@11:49 pm
*tired and uninspired*
hey ppl! :D k i gona annouce a good news.. I AM ALLOWED TO WORK AGAIN!..haa.. i really need cash to buy ma OWN stuff and its gona rayer soon...so im like begging ma mum to TRUST ME this tyme..n i promise not to lie again..(haa..u noe i noe..wat happened..horror sia..) so yaa.. promised her that i gona clean the house 100%(haha...sanggup~) n this is the last tyme i am allowed to work..n if i were to do something dump again...thats it~ one word..GROUNDED..haizz..kinda pissed wit them..but hey..to think of it.. its better this wae..i guess..haha.. :D n i juz end cleanin e freakin 2 storey house ALONE..omg! darn tired but wat to do...i wana work! so this is wat i need to do to gain it...no pain no gain.. k wateva..haa..
k someone juz strike into ma mind wen i was listenin to this "more than words" song...haizz...must it happen? i dunnoe..haa..juz a random thing..n i juz pop it out from ma mind n dun wana dwell on it nomore..y shud i? it doesnt do any good nomore..ryte?movin on..slowly.. :D
random: somehow ma realationship wit ma parents is gettin better..but but..not ma frens..i miss them! GF we are going out this week..n mas..i hope u r doin fine..missin ya..hope to mit u soon..n ya..i can werk sia gal..haha..i plead for them to trust me bek..oh ya..sowie if i hurt u in aniwaes... :)
very much in love =)}
@2:32 pm

saturdae(22 sept 2007)
ApplE OF One's Eye
Had a blast nyte todae...celebrating ma dearest n gorgeous pal siti nor zilla bdae at Arab street...we had an oversharing moments n talk bout our life..even the unnescessary thing..haha...laughing our lungs out! our group was the onli one who made alot of noises..haha..n we were singing hapie bade song to siti...n another group of guys tag along...n they were like "allah selamat kan kamu..allah selamat kan kamu..panjang umurnya 2x..panjang umurnya setamulia.." hah..as normal..we juz ignore n act like we didnt hear anitink.. i bou ght her an american chocolate cake!! fuah! finger licking sia..haha.. as normal..bout it at JB..haha! opz!
actually i thot i cudnt be there..but after pleading n cleaning the house...n plead 101 tymes to ma mother...den she allow me to go..n its like already 4pm! haizz..i was so pissed..but kinda relieved that i can go..(mum!! its squl holidae n ma exam is over..y are u stopping me from having ma social life?geram siol..k wateva ah..im tired!)so ya..i quickly change .. pack up... uat aper yang patut..n there i am..415pm! im ready...that was fast sia! haha..so i called a taxi n i went to larkin...bought the cake...n took 170...n guess wat ppl? JAM! n i was like.."nabe sia!" so yaa...no choice..i have to wait...n i reached songapore cuatom at 6pm!...went straight to bugis...so oklahz..sampai jer den we buker...i meet them halfwae..
after our buker...we went to arab steet n chill ... chamwhoring...talkin...laughing...miss them sia!!! its like sooooo freeaakkiinnn long we have not chill out together...n the saddest part is...MAS WASNT THERE! we ol was like talkin bout it n they are missin her...she cunt make it coz she had a dance comp..*shes a dope n superb dancer sia*random ppl...haha...
so we chill and sit down...the place is so comfortable..its like you are at home..you can do wateva u wan..so ya...talk n talk..lepak n lepak..talkin about each other love life..haha! n shafa is doin great..haha...unexpected..she used to dislik guyz...n there she goes now...its good that shes open now...talkin bout nora "magic" someone... n bdae gal boifwen..haha! aww...they are such a luvely couple...*wink* syaza..wit her "mutabak"haha...i olwaes tease her wen we talk bout him...its mubarak....*syaza PEACE* hah..
ouh yaa...went off around 11pm...met mas,sheila,wawan,ayul n few more other dance member.. mas ask me to overnyte..n i randomly sae yes...haha..kasiao~ but i did ask ma parents..so ya they sae ok..watz the reason? u noe i noe...haha... aniwae...as normal...we lepak.. then an unexpected group of guys came...fathu n frens.. someone juz go silence..haha... n a gorgeous,hot mama,tall n sexy gal came...her name is mel..wah! silence for a few min..haha..shes hot!! flawless skin...flat stomach..sweet lookin face..straight wavy hair..haha..gone..kewat pon bleh jadi straight sia..hah..n mas as normal..panic..pelik btol ah tu anak...haha..but seriously shes pretty like nobody buisness...so ol of them practice dancing.. had a personal oversharing talk wit mas..abit far from the others..den went back to the group...den we had an oversharing moments AGAIN..wit sheila..talkin bout her life n stuff...yea~~
around 7am we go off...went to mas house...
*oversharing dae..*
23 sept 2007
went sheesha wit F.U.N.. ol we did is lepakkzzz..haa... it kinda great tho to do it once in awile jz to have a peace of mind..haha..n yenny was complain that she was mendakz..took pics wit mas n yenny.. n sheesa like noblody biz..it was nice tho~ :D they one bunch of great frens.. :D
very much in love =)}