@9:05 pm
For some reasons... :D
Im gettin stronger as daes goes by..
for some reasons..
things are gettin better..
n im glad it did..
God answered ma prayers..
thx shafa..seriously..
u make me a stronger person..
every word tat u sae..
its in ma mind..
so ur phsycology classes..really works..
yea..n now..
ol i want..is to get over ol this shits tat has been botherin me..
n for some reasons..i feel so dumb..
n for reasons..im over ol this shit..
its ok..this is wat we called life..
without ol this shit..u will never learnt..
u will never get matured..
n bcoz of ol this..they juz make u a stronger person..
n everything tat happen in life..
it happens for good..
depends on how u handle it..
n i will never regret wat had happened..
infact, im glad tat it did..
met ol ma luvly n gorgeous GFs..
not ol actually...
mas n siti wasnt there.. :(
was werkin wit syafa till 10pm..
had an oversharing conversation...we dun even serve any customer..
haahaa...whu cares~ :P
the conversation..
its like a *DUSH*
oh yaa...chill wit them till 1am..
feel so much better after tat..
n for some reasons..ma parents was fine wit it..
they fetched me home..
now im really greatful tat im on ma right path..
n im back...e old me..
i guess..haa.. :D
so yaa..
burnin calories wit noyah n siti 2molo..haa..
this is the first tyme im doin it gals..gona be effing tired tomolo~hurhur..
n this thurs rayer ing.. :D (god..kinda malas..but nvm..go wit e flow!)
There will be many people who will walk in and out of your life but only true friends will leave footprints behind :)
Labels: Thx Him for answerin ma prayers
very much in love =)}
@5:00 am
very much in love =)}
@5:21 pm
moments of life
there are moments in life when you miss someone
so much that you just want to pick them from
your dreams and hug them for real!
when the door of happiness closes, another opens;
but often times we look so long at the
closed door that we don't see the one
which has been opened for us.
don't go for looks; they can deceive.
don't go for wealth; even that fades away.
go for someone who makes you smile,
because it takes only a smile to
make a dark day seem bright.
find the one that makes your heart smile.
dream what you want to dream;
go where you want to go;
be what you want to be,
because you have only one life
and one chance to do all the things
you want to do.
the brightest future will always
be based on a forgotten past;
you can't go forward in life until
you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away!
Labels: on the right path
very much in love =)}
@12:05 pm
*confusion lingers*
awkwardness strikes..
lots of '?' in lingers thruout e nyte..
the words..
the actions..
the communication..
seems so harsh..
n im lost..
REALLY lost..
no words were uttered.
it has been this wae?
or is it me juz ma insecure?
theres really a barrier.. theres a thick wall in between..
n i dun feel good..
not even abit ..
not even at ol..
n its like
A bombshell..
waking me up..
tellin me to piss off..
n not to come back Again..
n for e first ever time..
i was bugging for e arrival..
sad but true..
Qoute of the dae:
These laces are untied,
but my feet are still walking away.
very much in love =)}
@3:29 am
hows life?
been buzy wit squl
but im fine wit it =D
went to werk on saturdae..
wit shida..
was fun!
we did lots n crappy stuff..
laughing non stop..
n went home around 10pm..
walk from "point A to point B.."
didnt expect maself to go that far..
im effing tired now..
god! im squllin 2molo..
"k no more skippin classes ziela!!"
"k i promise i wont"
k ppl ZZZzzz..
darn tired n sleepy..
and oh ya!
i miss u ppl..!
very much in love =)}
@8:43 pm
images of us..Boredom Strikes 2am
n we drove to Danga Bay..
n chill.. =D
*ma far away couzin*

Me N Eqmal


Me n Ershad
*Side by side or miles apart, couzins like us stay close to the heart*
very much in love =)}
@8:51 pm
e comeback =D
so yaa..
nuthink interesting happen todae..
juz that i was so effing tired..
didnt have ma nap yest..
eyes juz dun wana shut..
due to ma sickness..
i decided to go home
ryte after squl..
and reached home as early as 3pm..
body aching..
god..i was dragging ma feet home..
so near yet so far..
as soon as
i reached home..
gone~ ZzzZ (-_-)
n here i am..
juz woke up..
feeling better?hmm..not really..
cud feel tat ma body
is lacking of water..
n i feel weak..
gona be fine soon..
no worries..
oh ya!
ma dearest Aqief Aqasha
he can stand on his own!!
*jaw drop*
i juz saw it..
he was balancing his body..
sometimes its nice to see
toddlers trying to explore new stuff..
hes growing(like duh)
hee..im hapie lahz..
like ive saed..
he olwaes make ma dae..
hes so pure.. =D
Why does it hurt?
Why does it ache?
Maybe because we love too much
and too deep
that sometimes
we forget to keep a little for ourselves..
sad but true...
**Life is filled with happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, laughter and other emotions but when life gets you down, just be strong about it and keep your head up high and have faith in all things in life. Always remember: God is at your side, always.**
very much in love =)}
@2:21 am
time check:
n for some reasons..
eyes juz dun wana shut..
n i have to wake at 5am 2moro
to go to school..
oh ya! random..
i cant skip ma auditing claz..
if i were to skip..
minus 5marks..
from our overall..
had a talk wit ma besty..
it has been awhile we have not mit up..
n i gona mit her 2molo!
one word ..
this particular moments
shes been waiting..
really glad for u gal..
i cud feel the happiness in u now..
u olwaes wanted someone to lead u..
to care for u..
to embrace u..
n make u feel special..
God has answer ur prayers..
coz He noes
how sincere u are..
n how much u nid it..
now that it happen..
treasure it..
n i noe u will..
coz i cud feel the <3>
taste of bliss yaw..
n if u have to make a choice in e future..
follow ur heart..
*hug u effing tite*
True love is not how you forgive,
but how you forget,
not what you see
but what you feel,
not how you listen
but how you understand,
and not how you let go
but how you hold on.
*In Rainbows*
very much in love =)}
@10:43 pm

A Big Shoutout to:
Sumarni yanti binte Solore
hur hur..
Hope u are leadin a hapie life ahead gal..
so yea..
ppl! i pass ma examination..
n i dun have to repeat any module..
thx god!haahaa..
this semester paper was kinda hard..
n im like so prepared to repeat one of the module..
n i end up passing everything..
overall..it was ok..
n i need to brush up
for this 6 months..
really nid to work hard..
n maybe most likely i will be working
in a bank after this..
see how it goes..
todae is ma first dae of squl..
i was like dragging ma feet to squl..
haa..for some reasons..
but everything changes wen i met
this bunch of crazy mates..
they juz make u laugh..
so yaa..
lots n lots of stuff to talk bout..
really had fun todae!
wen im goin home..
i saw M**..
hello! =D
Squl end early todae..
so decided to go the gym..
at woodlands..
n guess wat..
its a NEW GYM..
where u cud view the pool while cycling..
seems like i gona be regular there..
maybe will be goin wit nuraini 2molo..
hapiee lifestyle.. :D
n i walk to the stadium.
the route..
seems familiar..
that particular tyme..
k no point dwelling..
n i miss syaza! haa
Love hurts,
but friendship hurts more
when lost through love..
Labels: tired
{very much in love =)}
@9:57 pm
*In Rainbows*

Labels: randomness lol
{very much in love =)}
@4:03 am
lovely couzin!
went out to celebrate hari rayer..
wit ma couzins from KL..
we went to singapore
n ol of them were like so new to this small country..
n i actually show them e wrong route..
but seems like they are ok wit it..
n the stupid part..
we went to one of our couzin houz at block 107 near cwp..
we ate brani..
n wen we are done..
i accidentally salam sara(ma couzin..13yrsold i guess)
haa..semangat nak dpt duit rayer...
sampai tak tgk orng..haa
so reached home around 130am..
Ershad n Eqmal
were darn bored wen we reached home..
n same goes for me too..
so we decided to go to Danga Bay
n chill..
haa..how random can it be..
2am..at Danga Bay?
*shake head*
but they have driving licence..
so shouldnt be a problem..
took a few pics together..
talk bout life..
talk bout random stuff..
n Eqmal have prob wit his love ones..
normal dude..tell me bout it?
but it was a great..
they are funny ppl..
Ershad: "burung aper? "
haa..k this is an inside joke ppl..
simple n confortable moments..
tho u meet them once a year..
u can juz click wit them!
i miz ma other couzins tho..
aiman , eki n ol..
hmmphh..i noe they have prob wit ma grandma
thats y i have nuthink to sae
been there n seen there..
no comment.. =D
HEY .. will update a few pics later..
n ERSHAD..make sure u sent it to me aite!
N EQMAL..haahaa..10dollars jer..no issue..*cough*
oh ya..n im still curious how u both
cud manage to borrow the car from her..
"ako curiga salmah...~"hahaha
korang pakai mandrem..confirm..
any more plans 2moro? haa..
thx for making me smile every minute of the dae..
*i want a license..tho i can drive..but its diff. *
Hari Rayer really tighten up e bond wit ur family members
n it feel great..
n fun..
wen they are a bunch of humourous ppl!
Labels: euphoria excited hyper :D
{very much in love =)}
@3:13 am

to ma dearest 5 yrs of friendship
Syaza Kamalia Binte Kamal
hey darls..sowie i cant contact u in ani waes..besides msn(n i juz cudnt see u online)... :(
but i make this entry juz to wish u hapie bday!! love u tonnes dear..been thru thick n thin together..*cherish u* :D hope u are doin great n hapie with ur love ones..stay strong olwaes k.. miss u tonnes..we are far..but u are never forgotten..hope to see ya soon..*tite hugs*
For My Best Friend =D
This is for you,
my best friend,
the one person i can tell my soul too
Who can relate to me like no other
Who I can laugh with to no extents,
Who I can cry too when times are tough,
Who can help me with the problems of my life.
Never have you turned your back on me
Or told me I wasnt good enough
Or let me down
I don't think you know what that means to me
You have went through so much pain and you still have time For me.
And I love you for listening even when inside YOU are dying
And I look up too you because you are strong,
and caring
and beautiful.
Even though you don't think you are.
And I hope you know
that I am always here
To listen to you laugh
and cry
and help
In all the ways that i can
And I will try to be
at least half the friend you are
To me.
I hope you know
I would not be the person I am today, with out you.
My best friend.
hapie bdae dear~ :-)
Labels: miss ma GF
{very much in love =)}
@1:49 am
Hey ppl!! =D
havent been updating ma blog recently...
buzy? nope.
tired?not realy.
Lazy? thats more like it.
so ya.
first daeof Aidilfitri was ok..
great? hmm..not really..
coz still need to do some household..
cook ol e typical hari raya dishes..
so abit tiring..
but it was kinda interesting..
once a year of experience..
so ol the cookery n tidyin up e house end around 12pm..
started to chANge to our traditional costume!
ma songket kebaya turn out great..
as expected..(Thx nyonya! i noe i can trust u!)
i wore a brown songket kebaya wit a plain slip on heels..
everyone look great..
n Mr Ramli was lookin good.. ;)
n i love ma sis kebaya..
it looks so vintage..
i so gona wear it soon .. haa..
since we are e same size..y not?
so yaa..
n this year me n ma sis forgot to ask for forgiveness from our parents..
haa..e emotional moments..
but will do it 2moro..!
no worries..
met ol our realatives..
e laughter
e conversation..
such a memorable moments :D
unfortunate not for ma dear ones..
Aqief qas cryin ol dae long..
personal wise..
e images..
juz prove it ol..
as long as e happiness..
i cud see it..
im hapie enuf..
the sudden moments..
the particular time that ive been waitin..
n it happened..
didnt expect maself it react in that manner..
n it did..
undefined feelings..
cudnt control maself..
the fact tAt..
wen u are thinking of it..
n it appear ..
ryte infront of ur eyes
*shake head*
its ok..
im adaptin..
n sometimes im juz immune..
swallowin it bit by bit..
tho its hurts..
anywae,do i have a choice?
Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew.
Labels: hopin for better
{very much in love =)}
@4:20 am
nothink much to update..
juz tat hari rayer is cumin in like 2 more daes..
but at the same tyme..
theres a pinch of sadness..
something juz missing..
n it has disappear..
its ok...
u juz have to bare in mind that..
u are juz a memory
in someone life..
n ol u can do is..
sigh n smile..
n step forward..
no regrets..
no revenge..
no hoping..
no waiting..
juz nothing..
= )
Labels: relieved
{very much in love =)}
@2:15 am
i didnt update for a few daes..
n guess theres lots of thing happenin in life..
yesterdae it was a sweet outing tho..
atlast the whole family went out together..
(Excluding HIM)
so yaa..
AQIEF was soo excited..
he was laughin ol the wae..
there was once..ol of us were eating..
n suddenly he just laugh..
(kinda scary)
but we ol end up laughin at him..
n he started shouting..
alahz..he just make e dae lahz..
i love him like sooo darnnn mucchh..
n wen i sae" sayang cik ela~~"
n he will come to me n kiss ma cheek..
that part..cair siol...
n wen u pretend to cry infront of him..
he will approach u n lie on ur lap
ani part of ur body..haa..
*shake head*
so manjerr~
but having him in ma life now..
make it soo much better...
oh ya..
e whole family decided to eat at changi road..
chilli crab!! OMG!
since ma sis juz got her pay..
she wana treat us..
aper lagi~ ;D
ol of us ordered..
chilli crab..
n a few more dishes..i forgot!
i didnt get to eat much coz i have to take care of
ma dearest
went out n have a walk wit him..
n on the whole..
i juz ate 1 crab..
crap sia..
k wth..
but it was nice tho..
outing wit e whole family...
abah ask me bout ma squl stuff
bout ma life now
oversharing sia..scary~
but its nice that they care :)
the talk...the laughter...
especially with ma elder sis..
miss the old cheerful hyper her
n was nice to see her back again.. :D
so yaa...
we went to geylang..
it was great..
walking in that kinda places..
i juz like it..
tho its hot...but its interesting... :D
but it was just for awhile ..
its already 1am n aqief was
so so so sleepy n tired...
n hello~ its geylang..
how on earth do u think he gona sleep?
haa..so we went off..
tho theres some unexpected things happen..
n everybody was so tired..
n e whole family ZZzzz inside e car..
except for abah..
coz he nid to drive...
but den i took over wen we reached malaysia custom..
pity him lahz..
so yaa...
i really had fun ~ :)
And todae..
im werkin e whole dae..
n im alone..
werkin ol by maself..
nothink much to sae..
juz theres this philipino guy ..
infront of ma shop came every now and then..
n he talk to me..
so yaa...
n started to talk crap
u wudnt wana noe
thats it~
n im werkin 2molo again fullshift..
so i met mas,ayul,haiqal at titanic..
theres this chinese guy..
he was showing this magic trick to us..
using cards..
*jaw drop*
one word..
So yaa..went home after that..
took 912 n walked..
n suddenly e mood changes..
n i walked from spore custom to malaysia custom..
juz feel like walking n walk n walk..
till tears drop..
nobody sae it was easy..
n nobody sae its gona b this hard..
n here i am..
im walking back to the start...
Labels: happy, messed..wateva feeling it is.., mixed
{very much in love =)}
@12:36 am
*Scratchin Head*
Something just doesnt seems ryte..
y is it this wae..
wat actually happend on e other side?
lots of question lingering ma mind ryte now..
it feels so different suddenly..
the communication (disconnect)
gettin paranoid now..
y ehk?
or maybe its juz me..
feeling scared..
its not just 1..
its e whole "thing"..
Labels: confuse :S, muddle, scared
{very much in love =)}
@5:18 am
**The Wind's Not Always At Our Backs**
The wind's not always at our back
the sky is not always blue.
Sometimes we crave the things we lack
and don't know what to do.
Sometimes life's an uphill ride
with mountains we must climb.
At times the river's deep and wide
and crossing takes some time.
No one said that life is easy
there are no guarantees.
So trust the Lord continually
on calm or stormy seas.
The challenges we face today
prepares us for tomorrow.
*wen boredom strikes ... n time checked its 5;23am..ahakz....
hey..randomly i found this poem.. :)
This is wat Life is...
"Unpredictable" ....
Label: =D
*random..ma bedtime is gettin from bad to worse..*sigh*
{very much in love =)}
@5:20 pm
When u juz woke up
its a

EVEr woke upand realiseD that its juz a dreams?
trying hARD to get bek to sleep
forcing the eyes to shut
and dream of it again...
its gone.......
it can make u fly high above..
it can also make u drown..
gasping for air..
it hurts to noe
"its juz a dream that will nvr be reality"
u can just sense it..
u wake up..
get off from e bed..
n drag ur feet forward..
n move on..
N u sae to urself...
"this is life"
its never been fair..
there were no regrets..
coz e past
make u stronger
in dealing
wit the presence...
n U walk down e street..
wit a smile upon ur face..
n whisper to urself
Two words..
barely two words..
that will either make u
break u..
such a big sacrifice..
it means alot..
Label : Immune n feeling perfectly fine :D
{very much in love =)}
@4:07 am
Being tag by siti sarah(hahaha) opzz...oversharing..
being tag by muhammad mastura binte nur anuar...haha..suker2 jer~ so here it goes.....
Layer 1: On the outside Name: Nur Ziela Binte Ramli Birthdate: Jan 3rd 1989 (in a hurry to face the world) =)Current Status: Single but unavailable Eye colour: Dark brown Hair Colour: Dark brown... =D
Layer 2: On the inside My heritage: Javanese and malay My fears: wen i cant be there for ma Loved Ones My weaknesses: i cant see ppl whu are in trouble,changes of mood,kiss on e forehead,wen ma dad cry(i can drop dead)My perfect pizza: cheesy with lots of chilly...awesome~
Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, TomorrowMy first thought of waking up: to move on wit life(tho its hard)..My bedtime: random..sometimes eyes juz dun wana shut..My most missed memories: wen ma dad hug n kiss ma forehead n sae "its never too late" hmmphh.undefined moments..
Layer 4: My pick.Pepsi or coke:err..none..but prefer coke Macdonald or Burger King: Burger KIng..superb Single or group dates: Single =D Adidas or Nike: Adidas .. goes without saein! Vanilla or Chocolate: Chocolate.Cappucino or Coffee: Cappucino.. ;P
Layer 5: Do you?Smoke: haha..randomly
Do you Curse: haha..wen someone is gettin out of ma nerve..but randomly..yaa..haha. =DTake a shower: ehk nolahz~ PPfft..Have a crush: hmm..no comment Go to school: hell yea..wat do you wana do in life without a cert..ahakz..look whose talking..Believe in yourself: partially yes n no...Think you're a health freak: i dun think so...
Layer 6: In the pastDrink alcohol: Nope.Gone to the mall: like duh. Dyed your hair: yeah.
Layer 7: Have you ever..?Played a stripping game: nope Change who you were to fit in: No, why shud i?
Layer 8: Are you hoping toGet married: of course! wit chubby babies n an honest n loyal husband..n being a good mum n wife..haha..wat a hapie family~ how nice~ =)
Layer 9: In a partnerBest eye colour: dun think its necessary(but a big eyes is a plus).Best hair colour: dark brown..dun really mind.Long or short hair: not too long or too short.. :D
Layer 10: What were you doing?A minute ago: eating kiwi.An hour ago: had a chat wit Moooo..LOL...A Month ago: buzy wit ma werkin life.A Year ago: brb..haha
Layer 11: Finish the sentences..I love:arts, my family,ma new room! ma weetheartz..beach..nature..n.. I hide: my wallet...maself wen i cry..ma diaries.. (:I miss: ma chiilin out wit gf. somebody.meggy!haha..painting..I need: love n comfort =D
Layer 12: Tag 5
haha..aniwae im not link to anione..no point.. haha..
k mas im done wit this irritating entry..haha..but fun tho..btw thx! :D
{very much in love =)}
@1:56 am

juz pop out from ur mind...
Why do u have to chase wen u dun even noe how to catch?
{very much in love =)}
@5:00 pm
i miss drawing..i miss painting..i miss sketching..i miss ma arts..i miss visualising..i miss mixing the colours n give the amazing effects.. and now i really wana start it ol over again..but i need the cash to buy the stuff n that is y im werkin now..
this is the only wae i can sense peace n i feel relieve wen i do this..god..n why did i stop? coz im in accounting course n it got nothing to do wit arts..so yaa..but acc is for ma future wise n arts is for ma pastime .. and ma dreams has olwaes been to be a good painter..but tell me how u gona pursue in this country wit arts? unless u r in Paris or something.. yeaa...n that is y i decided to take accounting course.. arts has alwaes been ma passion..(ma GF noes tat).. arts is the only wae i can express maself.. k enuf said! haha.. i miss drawing the eyes the falling leaves..the hand..the surrealism..it just changes the mood.. :D :D ;D

very much in love =)}
@5:38 pm

MA bESty!!
haha.. :D
im missin her like nobody biz.
k before i start on..
this entry is about ma dearest ever long lasting unconditional sexy n sweet kind soul of mine.
n i noe n she noes that we noe that..
haha..*scratchin head*
we been thru up n down together..
noe her since primary 4 .. siak jer.. jiwer~hahaha
k stop it..*vomiting*
we are olwaes there for each other..
n wen she start to tell me her sorrow n happiness..
im glad that im dere to share wit her..
n wen the moments that she cried on ma shoulder..
ma arms will never get tired to embrace n comfort u..
n it goes the same wae for me too..
u never failed to make me smile..
u never get tired of me dwelling on the same person throughout e nyte
wen we are mad wit each other
we never drag on it
we forgive n juz totally forget bout it..
comfortable wit her by ma side
k ppl think im a lesbian
wateva~i dun gip a damn..
ehk! but im straight ok!
juz memories of us strikes
n now..this minute n this second..
i miss her..
n im sowie if i hurt u in aniwaes..
sowie if im being stubborn..
thx for ol the tyme we had..
nothing cud replace the moments..
theres too much memories..
this is wat frienship is..
nothing cud define it..
"u juz have to be there"
ako syg ko lahz giler~
ma craziest ever pal..
we can go crazy e whole nyte if we mit up..
irritate ppl..
kacau orng..tak kenal pon boleh jadi kawan..
haha..siak jer..
we cry..we laugh..
miss that yaww...hahaha
hope to mit u soon
n catch back ol the moments..
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
*im sowie for the incident that happened at the titanic..wen ma mum came..really clarify wit them..n tell e truth.. i feel bad.. really sowie dear.. lots to talk to u..haha!! ehk..we chill one dae..juz e two of us(hhaa..padahal slamer niek 2 orng)haha..really wana chill n talk .. like wat we did..awesome sia..gals nyte outz..opz! besty nytes out..haha...* hug u tight*
very much in love =)}