@11:59 pm
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten pASt. u cant go forward in life until u let go of ur past failures n heataches. life is not measured by e number of breath we take, but by the moment dat take our breath away..well..juz reached home..went to meet irsyad n had an interview.. yea.. it was ok.. den meet up rizman at far east..n irsyad need to go off to work..a last minute kol! haa..n he juzv decided to grab it as he is in need of cash..well..ill be doin that too if i were to be him..huhur..so yaa..chill wit rizman for awhile..meet a few friends..perlu ker?..hee..met mira at far east..damn..we have not met like for ages..after she went off from squl..so yaa..met liyana at 7 eleven..n yana at far east..huhur..she randomly grab ma hand..huhur..yea..its been awhile we have not meet up..yea.. lookin good as ever..huhur... went to wawan dome to meet mas for awhile..tats e whole point of it! huhur.. feel better after letting things out.. so much better..feuw~ =D yea..we are on e same boat..n yea..we gona irritate them more by our insecurities.. wateva lahz.. well..something juz bothered me throughout e journey..hmm..sometimes u tend to have insecurities..u are juz paranoid..tats wat happened to me..it was such a drastic change of mood..n e feelin really suck..problems in communicating..in short..mood swing..e insecure..its killing me in a wae..this is e exact feelin tat i used to encounter..wen does this gona end? tell me bout it..maybe bcoz im juz scared of losin..why am i feelin this wae?when e past few months..i dun even care..i wasnt this paranoid before..or maybe becoz u juz treasure e moments spent..im juz worried tat 'e eye gona quiver n shift to e floor'well..once again..if it happens..den it happens..tho how hard u wana prevent it..let fate decide...as i sae..no more hopin..this minute..this second..this moment..i juz nid to blurt it out..everyone have insecurities in their life..some may understand..some may have question mark around their head..let it be den..its e matter of e heart i guess..so yaa..every moment spend was never a waste..trust is only thing im holdin on now..current mood..tired..but eyes juz dun wana sleep..time check: 130am..im tryin ma best to hold on to this..n hopin its not gona fade off..hmmm...damn..effing tired..but cudnt bring maself to sleep..
very much in love =)}
@2:34 pm
*Frienship doesnt count thru e miles..it counts thru e heart..*current mood: paranoid n pissed :S
very much in love =)}
@9:14 am
.MONDAE.yesterdae was e nicest dae of all.. reason? hmm..actually theres nothing special tat happen..juz a normal hang out and it feels complete.. and thx meg for teaching me accounting.. it was awesome..i mean i almost give up..but if theres a will..thers a wae..n im glad tat i ask u to teach me!! i miss lots gal..haa..u noe wat i mean.. :Douh ya..it was a normal hang out..but the feeling was great.. maybe because it was a simple.. we were doing lots of random thingi.. reading.. "pelik tapi benar" book..it was hilarious! haa.. n teaching someone plaing bingo for e first tyme..n i end up losing.. dunb ass! haa.. nvm...im still king of checkers.. ouh tk ehk?kk.. drinking orange juice and eating at library wen the camera is juz on top of u.. pfft.. haa.. *shake head* and lookin at e sky in e middle of e road..random..but e sky was awesome yest wit e full moon =D but i had fun tho! :D n went to mas house to take ma stuff.. gal.. uve been thinking too much gal... im feeling u..i understand how it feels.. cheer up gal! heart u lots gal.. <3Happiness is the only thing on earth that cannot be paid by any diamonds, gold or money. =)Labels: somple n pure
very much in love =)}
@9:58 am
i see 'rainbows'.. =D
very much in love =)}
@11:15 pm
The Passenger Of Heart
by Aria
Give chance to absolute healing
not to the wound
by forgiving your friends
Do not place them in unbreakable shell
of your judgment for their past
When the river gets to the ocean is free!
Give space to healing by acceptance
Forgiveness is turning point in the mirror of your heart
To change the unsightly face to exquisiteness
the tantrum to tolerance
To change the uneven duos to fair images
To change your rival to a better man
Break the shield of your verdicts
Let your wound embrace the salve of lenience
Let inhale the air that is not tainted
by the breath of our decrees
no matter how harsh the conditions are
Forgiveness like fresh air
imbues the lungs of the healings .....
very much in love =)}
@8:27 pm
Todae was such a tiring dae.. woke up at 8am and realised that i am alone at home.. and the gate was lock..hah..great! pfft... and i have a class at 1030am..hmm..so i decided to get ready..hopin tat ma parents are back by then....and guess wat...its already 930am n im still sittin on e sofa waiting for them..grrr...damn! 5 min later...i heard e horn..atlast! i was darn mad..i cant afford to be late this tyme..n they hell noe tat...so yaa..like it or not they have to send me ryte infront of e squl..if possible...ryte infront of ma claz! ouhh mepek ehk? kk ... so i reached squl at 1040am..hmm..late? ermm oklahz..not really lahz~ haahaa.. n its ma smart ledger lesson.. n todae lesson was fun coz i manage to finish up everything! ol the transaction.. =D great! n CDP was crappy...but fun tho.. excludin e groupin part..irritatin..urgh! dun wish to talk bout it.. sakthi n shahrul was crappyin ol e wae.. ol of us were laughin our lungs out.. n Song Seng suppose to appoint someone to read an essay to e class..seriously..tat period of tyme half of e class was really on their own world..includin me..half dead..n suddenly he called ma name n im suppose to read an essay to e class.. god! out of everyone..muz u kol me?! timing pon~ wah!! i was dragging ma feet..thx dude! that is so not necessary.. :Sit was rainin heavily wen i was on ma wae home...e wind was so strong..but i kinda love it tho! hee.. went to Best Denky regardin ma pay...n they suck big time..n as usual..it has been delay again..give them another 6 months n i think they gona close down..huhur.. n bob..no worries...we will keep in touch soon..uve been nice to me too.. =) went to cwp..n theres lots of ppl..i was suffocating..n i dun even realised tat fathu step on ma leg twice..haahaa! selenger kan..untill he tap ma shoulder..haa..den i realised..n we were talkin ryte in e middle of nowhere..tak perlu ehk..haa..k im darn tired n sleepy now.. guess im goin to bed early todae..n hopefully i can get hold of meiyo soon..wateva e name is..hee.. amazingly..i reached home at 7pm..fuh! wash up...play wit ma dearest aqief..damn..wen was e last tyme i do tat? i miss him lots.. =) n juz now he took ma mum Inhaler (inilahz orng2 peyakit semput) n stuff it on his mouth..n make a sound like " hoohoohoo" haa..hes tryin to imitate ma mum..haahaa...n wen we laugh..he started to laugh too..haha! anak siaper lahz niek.. such an angel..hmm... :Xmum n dad..thx~ i miss those moments.. :DYes, the past can hurt
but the way I see it ..
you can either run from it
or learn from it.
very much in love =)}
@9:24 am
i acted as tho im not affected by everything..
but ryte at e beginning..
i do..
n lots of question has not been answered..
time n space..
tats ol im askin..
im not leavin..
i juz nid a break..
n u noe
n i never want this to happen..
Labels: mess
very much in love =)}
@9:23 pm

Random strikes..rainbow of life..
You asked me what was wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself... everything is.
when will this end?
Labels: bliss
very much in love =)}
@12:57 pm
first of all...
thx to ma cuz for changing ma blogskin..huhur...coz i really cant take it wit ma previous skin...its crappy...n y did i even use it? coz i dun have a choice..i dun have e time to change it...well...this skin is still in process.. coz theres lots more i nid to amend..as u can see..its hanging..no music..no link ... no nuthink...huhur...but it gona be complete soon... :D
olryte...so hows ma life has been?
hmmm..since squl started..i kinda buzy wit life... squl end in e evenin around 4pm..n im werkin at 6pm till 10pm..this continues like every single dae..tiring? haa..u juz couldnt imagine.. well..
i gona resign soon.. im juz waiting for ma pay...n im gone! huhur.. like ive sae...e workin environment wasnt tat good..too much mask around..n i kinda get sick n tired of pretending.. so yaa..
omg! im missing ma karma gals.. :D
I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someoneLabels: blank
very much in love =)}
@8:59 am
Something so unexpected has changed me so much,
Released me back into my past,
Returned me to who i once was,
It was like I'd been missing for many years,
Living in someone else's life.
When I'd given up on happiness,
Given up on love,
You reached out to me,
Saved me from myself,
Gave me new light again,
A reason to believe,
In myself and everyday life.
for e past few 3 months..
u have lead me to e right path..
n i taste bliss..
i cud sense sincerity..
n e feeling of being care n concern..
the most precious dae..
was e dae we saw e 'moon'..
those moments..
it feel so real n pure..
e dae spent..
suddenly.. someone strikes..
hah..i expected it to happen..
n ol e truth came..
i was lost..
why am i being test again?
wat did i do to deserve this?
but im glad u did confess n tell e truth..
when im trying to move on n bury e past..
an unexpected thing happened..
n suddenly i feel like..
e past gona repeat itself again..
i have nothing more to sae..
i dun wana make things worse..
i dun wana ask anymore question..
tho deep down..theres so much things i nid to noe..
but i dun see e point..
any minutes of e time..
u feel u nid a company or u nid a fren to let ur feeling out..
i will be there..
tats wat friends are..
im not hurt over wat happened..
coz i never hope..
ma mind went blank..
no feelings..
im immune..
no calls..
no more news..
like ive said..
im prepared for e worse..
guess im back to ma old path..
pain? hurt?
it has been part of ma life..
but i neva regret over wat happened..
coz this make me a stronger person..
i want u to take care..
dun go back to ur old life..
i dun wana make things worse..
shes coming back..
thats y im backin off..
for good..
ol this..
nobody is at fault..
its ol fated..
i dun wana think on anitink animore..
im juz goin wit e flow..
enuf sae..
let e tyme decide..........
Labels: confusion
very much in love =)}
@9:50 am
i was awake by a message
froze for a few sec
n it kept me thinking..
who are u?
whr u from?
why are there mask all around you..
disturb for a moment..
moment of truth..
its coming..n im craving for tat moment..
is it for good?
or is it for bad?
lets see how it goes..
lots of question mark lingers around..
too much..
and part of e moment..
i feel serenity..
but most of the tyme..
im lost..
she try it on like a dress.
she decides it doesn't fit,
and start to take it off.
N her skin comes, too.
very much in love =)}
@3:27 pm
im "gaspin for air"
tats e current situation im dealin wit now
flooded wit kindness...
tats somehow makes me drown..
sometimes..too much of it..
make it looks so fake..
but deep down..
i sense the sincerity somehow..
but its still new to sae it yet..
no doubt tat lots of sacrifices were made..
but how sure am i tat this gona last?
trust..tats how easy ppl wud sae..
but trust? haa..how blunt can tat word be..
Hopin is not wat im living wit now..
im juz goin wit e flow..
no string attached..
no vows..
no hope..
this is how simple i wud wan it to be...
if it were to fade ..
e pain wudnt be tat deep..
if it were to last..
i wonder how e feelin wud be..
prevention is better than cure..
but im glad..
around e corner..
I Sense Serenity...
olryte! HAPIE 19TH BDAE ZIELA!!...ouh salah ehk..k k.. btw... thx to ol e wishes ppl! appreciate it lots.. n for some of u ppl whu msg me...hmmphh... sowie i cudnt read it..coz i lost ma hp...some idiot juz snatch it awae! grrr~ k wateva lahz ehk... believe in retribution.. n if i were to see u around e corner.. u are so dead dude! urgh..
aniwae.. tho shits happen on this special dae..i dun wana analyse anitink.. ( tho i wonder wat it mean..) let it be lah..unpredictable flow of life..hmm..
thx for bein e first person to wish.. =D *Serenity*
very much in love =)}
@3:05 am
loneliness is e best companion.
somtimes u juz feel like holdin back..
n live e wae it used to be..
sometimes..u feel like you are e luckiest person..
but sometimes u juz feel like u dun deserve it..
somtimes u feel like this is wat u want..
but you are juz too scared..
to start anew...
sometime u juz cant bare to deal wit it again..
sometimes u feel tat its true..
but sometimes u feel tat its still new..
to even judge on anything yet..
sometimes u juz feel like goin off from everyone..
sometimes u feel like this is e person tat u nid..
its not how u let go..
but how u manage to hold on..
sometimes..wen e conversation doesnt sound right..
u juz feel like endin it..
sometimes u feel like e past gona repeat itself..
but sometimes u feel tat..
this is e moment tat uve beem wantin..
but its still early to even analyse anithink yet...
random strikes..
like wat it does now..
eyes juz dun wana shut..tho its goin to be 4am now..something botherin..n i dun even noe y.. ma body is aching..im tired...really tired..but i juz cudnt shut ma eyes..Labels: tired
very much in love =)}
@1:16 am
sometimes u feel u are covered by flowers around..
n sometimes the torns hurt u in a wae..
olryte..im home.. lots of thing happened..ma hp was snatched wen i was waiting for ma father at e custom..i was on e line wit him n suddenly someone pushed me n snatch ma hp..i was shocked! i shouted but i noe im juz wasting ma time..coz it was like 1am in e mornin.. n there was this indian guy opposite,n e only thing tat he did was stare..i dunnoe..maybe he cud be one of them too..i was shivering..i was really scared..n i dun even noe wat to do.. i sit n prayin hard tat ma parents gona fetch me soon! n after a few minutes..e guy came back..n i ran off! n stand in an open space..k this part really scares me alot..e part tat they actually came back.. then,ma parents came n i told them bout it.. they nag at me n told me to wait for me at the hotel instead of e garden..(k somewhere near e custom)
work was tiring.. full shift for 3 daes in a row..n todae i request for an afternoon shift..n tomolo theres stocktaking..n i have to be there at 730am..till 10pm..omg! is this how werkin life shud be? ouh tk ehk..kk... so ya... no communication for e whole dae.. hmm.. well theres nobody fault coz i lost ma hp.. n bob actually told me tat he gona gip part of e commission to me! yea! thx... n lawrence gona be at e tv department.. hmph! but we are still in e same building.. no worries.. werkin is great coz e ppl there are friendly n crappy.. they are a bunch of crappy soul.. wel i had fun tho..
life is gettin simple in a wae i guess..but im hapie.. going home straight..no more nagging from parents..sometimes they do..but not as often tat it used to be..werkin like olmost every single dae..but im fine wit it..atleast at e end of e dae..i have cash wit me! hee.. sometimes had a meal rizman after werk n chill at woodland CC.. for juz a short period of tyme..coz someone will start nagging to me to be home soon..coz ma parents will get worried bout me n laalalalalala~ hee..k kiddin! :D simplicity is e best policy..
werk end at 1030pm..inform that im on ma wae home..n e voice juz doesnt sound ryte.. well.. someone is sick..so dun really expect much.. sympathy? yea of course i do.. but wat more can i do..verbally..tats ol..n im not sure whether it helps in a wae.. takin leave tomolo..have to.. for some reason.. hope e sickness will go off soon..hmmmmm.... :(
i really hope e past wont repeat itself..
gosh..im sleepy...time check..2;20am... adios..
ouh ya..3 more daes to go..but i dun feel e excitement..hah.. coz i dun expect anitink..yea.. k k darn sleepy..730am later..how on earth am i gona wake up..take care siol..hmm..
*honesty n sincerity* = Priceless!
very much in love =)}