@12:49 pm
havin ma break now.
cant wait to go home.
goin to A.W again todae :)
gona break ma fast there.
wif ma crazziness pal.
i can be like one idiotic gal wen hes around :)
silence for few years.
n ur back. fated i believed.
can i go home??
i feel like goin to e gym now.random.
ouh tkyah ehk?kk
very much in love =)}
@12:26 pm
i juz adore e pureness of it.
i juz adore e crazziness of it.
i juz adore e laughter wihout any specific reason.
i juz adore e lameness of it.
i juz adore e silence without any awkwardness.
i juz adore e purely friendship :)
i juz adore e random kol n mit up.
n e fact tat theres no shyness.
n watever happen.it's fated.
coz i nvr thot it gona be this wae.
e ray of light :D
very much in love =)}
@2:03 pm
runnin nose.
i cant taste a single food.
i cant smell a single food.
im hungry!
no appetite.
i wana go home.
2 hrs of nap?
i need ma beuty sleep.
fullstop. :(((((
very much in love =)}
@7:44 am
work has been as per normal..
lots to catch up with..
sales report..
update stock..
n theres shipment todae and mondae..
means stock coming! hmph..
it can be done! have faith in yourself.. :)
currently in e office..
reached at 740am in the mornin coz few things need to be done
so decided to come early..
aniwae..went to "ANJUNG WARISAN" yesterdae..
k i hv no idea where it was..
call ma parents if i cud break fast wit muhd..
n be home by 10pm..n they let me off..
so yaa.. :)
we were thinking of a place to break our fast..
amazingly he wana fast too..huhur..
im juz paying back ma fasting n coz of its rejab..so ya.
n i was super tired n told him aniwhere will do..
doesnt really matter..trust me..ma body was aching..lots of work..
n he drove me to this anjung warisan..
it was around 830pm..
at first i was kinda scared..coz the place was super dark..
n i told him.."do u really noe e place?"
n another minute..there u go..
i was stunned for a moment.. =o
awesome place..
when u came in,theres a live music..
e waiter n waitreses will be standing at e entrance to welcome u..
lemah badan kejap..hee.. n ol ma bodyache juz heal! haa..
a man playing an instrument, 'angklong'(k i dunnoe!)
n e place is so ulu ulu..kampung kinda environment..
where u have to open your shoes to go in..
n u can eat on top of e tree..(haa..i was shock too!)
vintage kinda restraunt..n u noe i love ol this vintage n homely environment..
love it lotz! thx fren! u juz noe me.. :D
i ate mee seafood claypot! haa..ouh boring ehk..trust me..its super nice..
n e price is so resonable..
we were laughing every minute..
lots of thing to talk till we juz decided to have a 5 min break to eat our food..haa
n someone was perspiring..tired of laughing i guess..lol.
i drank carrot juice O..haa..nice~
aniwae it was juz a short one..
went home around 945pm..
old him i wana be home by 10pm..
so yaa..
n i drove e car back~ haha..
n he always ask me to slow down.. :)
thx god..everything went smoothly..
went home..bath..pray..n there u go..zzzzz!
im lookin forward to go again fren!
k yaa..i told u tat :)
sometimes..its not the quantity that matters..its the quality..tho u spent a min wit a fren.. it will be cherished..friendship juz heal e wound...blessed. =)
k get back to work..815am.. :) n todae decided to go home wit dad n meet him at bugis.. coz he was kinda disappointed coz i didnt breakfast wit him..lala..hmm.. :)"
very much in love =)}
@7:50 am
away for three daes. :(
no communication.
thot that it wouldnt make any diff.
guess i was wrong.
fingers kept pressing those numbers.
haa. didnt expect it.
coz it was nvr there in e very first place.
used to lettin things out i guess.
having someone to hear ur crazziness.
n nonsense.
no point dwellin.
1 more dae to go!
work has been good! but still theres lots to learn.
yea..getting a hang of it..
one document
n theres like 4 different areas that u have to do
n dont ever MEMORIES wateve thing that u do..
coz memorising..
doesnt help..
trust me..
it will juz make things worse! =)
looking forward everydae..amazing discovery!
well i guess thx to ma dearest college,mastura.
shes been a PATIENCE tutor.. :P
sometimes you cant stop ppl from judging and saying anything bout you. and it hurt most wen they used to be your close ever fren. words were thrown as if you juz dun have a bloody feelings. but ol you can do is just swallow and act like nothing happen. well, maybe some may rebel and wat happened next? they will fight n ?...well..i dont see any benefit by doing that. wah! its like a slap on the face. they thot it gona be a moment. juz for e show of it. hmmphh. let them sae wateva shit they feel like saying. action speak more than words. :) disappointment. hurt. yea. those feelin will be for a moment. n it will go off sooner or later. maybe wat happened,it happened for good.having to realise your true pal. :) its ok. shits happen in life. n having a mindset that wateva happen, it has a reason. no point dwelling. coz in a very first place, its not your loss.it juz reflect back whu u are. hmph~ unexpected.*sigh*
very much in love =)}
@2:00 pm

very much in love =)}
@7:28 am
.MA SOUL.MASTURA BINTE ANUARThe greatest ever moment.having her by ma side.e most priceless gift god has given me..and i thank HIM for this..never thot you would shed those tears..i love you babe! only GOD knows how much u meant to men im sorry for my selfishness.. :(i need youi swear i will kol u everydae tey? till u go, " aper lagi ziela??" ouh tk ehk?kk.. =Dn ya! u look so so much happier n pretty now..must be tat booboo of yours! 8 months n going strong..really happy for u babe. :Dthis is wat u always wanted..i will always pray for your happiness. coz u deserve it..tho it was just for a short meet up..i really have an awesome tyme wit u..priceless LOVE.
Sometimes in life,you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times,
the sad times,
and the confused times.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.
And it has always been u LOVE.
Went back home at 945pm after meeting up wit ma precious gal.. :) i dont even feel tired tho there was lots of work since its e end of the month.lots of report to submit. Bottom line is, she juz make e dae lahz..! =D i juz need to let it out n kol one of ma closest fren,alif, regarding this.n show him e pic i took wit gal n told him how much i miss her.I noe its ma fault. =( i was too paranoid at that period of time.
known alif for almost 8 years. purely friends. n he always has his nonsense to make me laugh. crazziness! =D this is juz another pal that i treasure lots. Always there to hear me out. this is wat
i always wanted. purely friends n no string attached.
blessed with e flow of life im living with currently.=D
very much in love =)}