@10:31 am
23rd september 2008the blessing daemaybe it could be this dae?but no one noes..that's e beauty of it.=)once the cell phone was answered
i sense
breeze of irritation..
hah,ol i did was for ur own good.
here im standing
with ma head up
to ma mind..
ma soul..
i wont be paranoid like i used to.
n i wont get affected by those
tiny miny ouh-please-its-ma-fault-ouh-plz-forgive-me.
no point.
wana play this game?
i'll quit before it get started.
its not about cowardness.
its about how smart u play e game.
ma mind start to ponder now.
nearer to the exit point.
once ma feet step out
e door will be lock..
n i wont return n beg for the key.
fortunately,i cud still hold on.=)
Labels: express e mind out
very much in love =)}
@11:49 am
Ma Lungs.
currently: Having Break in e office =)) 12:12nn
so here it goes...
so yaa..
n somehow i feel like sharing bout this..
past few daes..or months i would sae..
ma intimacy wit ma family was much appreciated..
family bonding was wat i always wanted..
n im glad that ol of us are together now..
maybe bcoz of fasting month.. blessed month.. :)
most of our weekends were spent together..
paint the house..
and every one of us help out..
even this little-2yr old-but-act-like-20yr old-kid brush those walls..
he will paint one corner of the house...
n mumble to himself..
like paham only..
and when we approached him n asked "muhd tau paint ker?"
he will look at you..and reply ... "aahhh...."
n continue wit his 'task'..
hee..adorable kid.. muackz!
as for me..i will be the corner-gal...i will touch up the corners wen dad finish his part..
n ma second sis will kinda help out to...
n ma elder sis will be the forever-giving-comment...hee..
the boss..Ma MUM! haa..
she will ORDER...
n wen we ask her to help out..
there goes the Inhaler..Huhur..n we ol will be like..
"tadi takder paper.,..nak tolong jer asthma dtng.."haha
ma dad will be "kerjer nak meeeniiiipuuu jer.." haha.. in a joking wae of course..
tats y i so loving fasting month..
the beauty of it...oh ya..n we change our main door too~
the door that ma parents olwaes dream of..
always complain to me how much they always want to hv those glass doors wen they pass those houses..
n hearing that juZ mek me wana weep..
and Alhamdullilah.. thier dreams became reality=))
its juz a matter of tyme..ryte dad? :)
n im sooo loovingg those doors..
mek me wana be home every minute..
k tipu..=_="
hari rayer will be a blast i hope..
i juz cant wait for those moment..
n im so waiting for ma once-a-yr-meet-up cuzin..
im so missingg them..
n i cant wait for the last ten daes of the month..
those period..
every minute is precious.=))
sometimes theres argument in the house..
so bad that no one dare to sae anything..
n the wonderful thing is..it doesnt last for 24hrs..
tats one of the most reason i love them
no matter how bad it is..
we will end up gather together
n have those laughter..
n im so glad that our family is together as one now..
n im prayin hard everydae for this..
coz having us together like this..
juz make ma life complete..
thx god for this.really.
olryte im gettin bek to werk~ n tomorow im going geylang with mastura anuar.yea true anak anuar..huhur..has been awhile..huhur..miz u love!! muahx~ =) cyaz!
Labels: blessed
very much in love =)}
@4:26 pm
*The Strength*
laughter for every secondtill e dae
worst argument was heldfuming individuals ego juz too much
calls were not answeredmsges were ignored.one moment,kol were answered onceeverything was at ease upon hearing e voicesboth were trying hard anger cud last for few mins
it juz hv to stop dere.
laughter has alwaes been been our companion.
we juz cant fight,cud we?
gettin nearer from e place i olways wanted to run away from
u came back.thx u
Labels: ease
very much in love =)}
@3:21 pm
rotting at home?pressure handling documents at work?
cant wait to end classes?
simply bored..
here u go..
to make your dae ..
coz this entry juz mek ma simply tiring,pressuring.boring dae BETTER~
In Singapore , the majority of us live in Highly Dangerous Buildings (HDB), And most people have already got used to Paying and Paying (PAP).Not only do you have to pay, you Pay Until Bankrupt (PUB).If that's not enough, somebody still Purposely Wants to Dig (PWD) and get more from you.So what more can you do when you are in the Money Only Environment (MOE)?With the current Mad Accounting System (MAS), you are forced to Pay the Sum Ahead (PSA) ; Which will leave some people Permanently Owing Some Banks (POSB) ; And forced to live on the Loan Techniques Always (LTA) system. When you fall sick and happen to be admitted to a Money Operating Hospital (MOH),You might be able to use your Cash Prior to Funeral (CPF) fund.If you are out of luck, you may meet doctors who Never Use Heart (NUH) to treat you; And you will be Sure to Give up Hope (SGH).To help ease the traffic, motorists have to pay Cash On Expressway! (COE).If that doesn't help, they can always Eternally Raise Prices (ERP) on the road. If you don't own a car, you can always make a Mad Rush to the Train (MRT), OR get squashed in a bus Side By Side (SBS).Lastly, under all these pressures, there are not many places we can relax, not even the good old place we used to go because it has become So Expensive and Nothing To See Actually (SENTOSA)!!!=))GAGS!Labels: wee
very much in love =)}
@10:33 am
morning 'weep'
"it's 05.45am..wake up ziela!!"
upon hearing it..
"wat?? no!! im late~"
actually not really that late for work..
just that i will be rushing..
n i cant take ma own sweet tyme to enjoy e morning breeze =)
And i realise that i forget to inform ma mum to wake me up at 5am..
coz e past few daes i cudnt fast..so decided to wake up abit late..
so ya..n she thot that i still cant..
so there it goes ma sahur..
kept silence coz i noe its ma fault for not informing them =_="
but i do whine and whine sae i will be late..
ans ask ma mum y she didnt wake me up..
n theres one point of tyme she SHOUTED..
n i was like " ok ok ok..dah dah.." =_="
pandaikan..saper suroh irritate? abeh lambat~ :(
had ma bath..
iron mA clothes..
hang it..
pray for subuh..
bla bla..
n i told ma father to open e weekend coupon for todae.. =))
so why is it 'morning weep' ehk??
oh ya~
i was mad coz i need to walk from at the custom for e past few daes..
everydae without failed..
its like 15 to 20 min walk..
fast walk mind you..
and when i go home..
i nid to do that too..coz of e jam..
n wen im home..im like half dead..
super tiring..
tho im super hungry..
i juz cant bring maself to eat.. =(
why i hv to do that?
bcoz of..nah..some 'reason'..
so yaa..this morning..
before i go to werk..
i salam ma mum and suddenly i cry..
like really cry..
coz im tired .. and add up to the mood swing i had recently..
i told her i cant take it with e change( e reason)..
coz it affect me soo much..
so she console me..
BUT she end it like "Tulahz..mak dah kejot siang2..
krng kalo bangun pagi..blala..
tinggalkan rumah bulat2..blabla..tau kejer pagi..blabla.."
no mum enuf.not again~~
so ya..salam her..kiss her forhead n quickly went off..
(if u dun whine..i will stay for a few mins mum. =) )
so yaa..went in the car..
another problem..
"wheres ma ear piece? i put it in e car yesterday"
astaghfirullaahalazzim ~
thats e first thing i did when another prob came in..
i noe its juz an earpiece..
i juz bought ma fone..
n i cant afford to lose it ok..
so ya..
i did "something"..(will do it whenever im tryin to find ma things)
ryte nani? she noes~huhur..
n it really do good.. =)
guess wat? its in ma mum's bag..
she kept it yesterdae..
well its a good thing that i found it..
luv u mum~ ur olways dere to help me <3
so ya..reached office at 740 AM..
siang pulakz..haa..
but its a good thing..i manage to clear some of ma pending documents..
wake up a fren of mine at 8am..
"5 mins more"..
can bargain summore.. =_='
nvm..im feelin u..hee
had a few mins of conversation..
few min of laughter.. =))
n there it goes..
n its only in e morning..
afternoon n nyte to deal with todae~ hah.
its not that bad tho after ol..
n i miss home badly..
weekend break is much appreciated..
e buker ing with ol e family members on the dining table..
with Aqief.. n his cuteness..
us : " sayang mama sampai maner..?"
Him : "HAAATTIIII~~ "(tapping his heart)
n i miz him nw.great. =_="
work has been pretty good :)
patience n a pinch of ignorance is much appreciated for nw.
looking forward for tonite trawih=)
Labels: morning weep
very much in love =)}
@3:21 pm

Wal Mart Applicant revealed...
Below is an actual job application that this 75 year old senior citizen submitted to Walmart in
California . They hired him because he was funny..... =)
NAME: Kenneth Way (Grumpy Old Bastard)
SEX: Not lately, but I am looking for the right woman (or at least one who
will cooperate)
DESIRED POSITION: Company President or Vice President. But seriously,
whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be
applying here in the first place
DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz
style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.
PREVIOUS SALARY: A lot less than I'm worth.
MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and
post-it notes.
PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS?: Yes, but they're better suited to a more
intimate environment .
FROM LIFTING UP TO 50 lbs.?: Of what?
DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: I think the more appropriate question here would be
'Do you have a car that runs?'
already be a winner of the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, so they
tell me.
DO YOU SMOKE?: On the job - no! On my breaks - yes!
Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde
supermodel who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually,
I'd like to be doing that now.
OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE?: Oh yes, absolutely.
***Old People Rock! ***
GAGS! =)
Labels: wee
{very much in love =)}
@1:39 pm

CURRENT MOOD : Affected/frustrated over e smallest things on earth.
no specific reason.
juz the mood swing that irritates.
could be the red light that came n made a messed of the whole emotions.
could be someone who tries to test the patience that has already reaches "over ma nose length".
tryin hard to control every part of the emotions from blowing.
"month of fasting, controlling e emotions is very much appreciated ziela."
currently this fuming-every-minute-emotions will end soon when the red light changes to green.
this irritation will be overcome sooner or later.
having to hold on will make me weep.
weepin of anger of course.
so what did i do to calm it down?
stopping maself from communication FOR E TYME BEING.
yea i noe its not a good solution,well it is for me. so that i wont get effected over the words that were uttered out. tho it means good. dump?i noe. =_='
and "istighfar" like as much as i can. coz thats e only way to kill that evil who has been stabbing me from inside out. i hate u for life(dont u want tranquility?). n everyone does.i noe.=_="
having to have a friend to let ma anger out. pity u. LOVE u tonnes coz having those patience to listen to me. every nyte having to dig those ears to listen to ma non-stop-complainin-makcik.
thx god for having u back in ma life.i really do. =))) ya, u noe that.
but not for listenin to ma only whining of coz=_=". you juz make e dae better.
Thank you love =)
warmth regards,
(not necessary,i noe=_=")
Labels: fuming
{very much in love =)}
@4:16 pm
Ok. This time round, it isnt ziela updating but ehem,ehem, the cousin. Because shes currently busy doing her work, namely the invoices and etc. kesiann. haha.
Let me tell you this. This girl uh is so fickle minded seyy. I dont even know how many times i did for her blog. Penat tau layan kan karenah dier. Luckily i aint schooling nor working just yet, but just rot at home, thats why im helping her out sincerely. No joke.
Whatever it is eyy, shes the bestEST cousin i ever had. Like seriously. Shes my laughing gas, shes where i most of the time release my stress. Thanks you girl. Sayanggg deii lorrhh!
Actually she didnt expect me to update this but photos. Photos of maya karin's weds. Yes, sebanyak-banyak nye tuu. Obsessi seyy. haha. Ok-ok. I also have my obsession. ssshh.. But of course, i'll pick some. If you want all the pictures, ask from her. nyahahahaha!
Ok.Ok. Kiter ikot permintaan hati dier. Bongsu katekan...

Charlow bette!
{very much in love =)}
@12:28 pm

Haaa..yea! selamat pengantin baru..
ya i noe it has beeennn awhilee..=_="
but a colleague of mine juz sent it to me..
look at her..happy for her lahz..
shes been wanting n waiting for this moment. =)
n u look perfectly...extremely gorgeous..
love those cake..
Simple n sweet is their theme..
excuse me wit the "gua.com" or wateva its writen..
i have no idea wat it is.. =_="
love her personality..
simply simple n humble =))
7 yrs of relationship i guess..
n not a single media knows about it..
awesome isnt it? its juz her..
k lahz..
ol e best for your future life..
Hes soooo lucky to have her..huhur
{very much in love =)}