@3:32 pm
We dont remember the daes, but we remember the MOMENTS.=)
Was walking down memory lane,
Was walking on the beach,
Throttling the feelings of pain,
Keeping doubts out of reach.
Had a look at the sands of time
The hours when time itself stood still,
Could hear distant bells chime,
And I was walking while I still stood still.
Felt the heat of the sun beating,
Could sense an awe that the past left,
Saw the sheath of life fleeting,
Glimpses of what was there were best.
understanding in life.
too general.
too deep.
too cliche.
having to understand individual.
having to blend wit every bit of the individual life.
or emotion i would specify.
possible,but will nvr be easy to.
problems in life is like a shadow.
we can nvr run away from it.
e faster we run away from it, the nearer we are.
so why waste our tyme? step forward n overcome those problem.
coz in e very first place, we create it.
juz for a moment.
wen those problem of your vanished.
you can face the world wit your head high up.
matter of tyme.
tied by those rope.
mouth was tape.
leg was tied.
everything were controlled.
at tymes, someone may push u in those mud n laugh.
n u thot its a joke.n u laugh.
the next tyme it happen, it may still be a joke.
u lie if there no anger buried inside.
but you prefer to swallow.
juz to show them that you dun really mind.
emotionally not involved.
and they tend to take advantage and repeat it again.
you juz blow.
n they sae...
its a joke..
too emotional or sensitive..
cool down..
it was nvr been this wae..
not understanding..
theres a line for everything.
n tolerance..theres a limit too.
aniwae, tihs is the only wae to vent things out. some may understand n some may juz contract the brow in displeasure.in a word,frown. Well, we cant please every individual in life cud we? Your sae.
"Manage to stand on those nail still."
Labels: my sae
very much in love =)}
@11:07 am

The mother and brother of Jennifer Hudson were found shot dead Friday at a South Side home, and police were looking for a missing child who is the nephew of the singer and Oscar-winning actress.
Deeply sowie for what had happen. terribly shock upon hearing the news. n th fact that Hudson recently announced her engagement to David Otunga, best known for his stint on VH1's reality show "I Love New York." this unexpected news will not be easy for her to accept the fact. shes a family oriented person and she is very close with her lovely mother.
very much in love =)}
@9:49 pm
e shelter.
walking by the alley..
n found my shelter of hope..
i was pondering..
should i knock on those doors?
n having to realise..
ma feet had brought me to the entrance..
i cud sense..
e warmth..
the comfy..
and lastly, i cud sense your breath..
i step in the house..
e warmth..
e welcome...
im blessed..
ma mind went blank..
everything went stagnant..
a real straight line..
no up n down..
n having to realise that..
i dun feel comfy n warmth anymore..
its not the house..
or is it juz me who tend to get sick..
of the surronding?
the environment?
i hate it wen i juz cant gain e trust from this ppl anymore. i hate it wen i cud sense the honesty, the pureness but i cant hold it for long. i hate it wen you chase wen i ran but u walk away wen i stop n wait. i hate wen i cud sense it.
very much in love =)}
@12:19 pm

let me sae this...
What gets me through the day.....
knowing that tomorrow will be 10x‘s better
what makes me smile....
knowing that Im not alone=)
What makes me different....
taking criticism,hatred,and jelousy from hostile people.
What makes me different....
feeling what most peoPle dont and crying when most people wont..
I asked you if I was fat,
you said yes of course.
I asked you if you wanted to be with me forever,
you said no.
I asked you if you would cry if I walked away,
you said no.
I had heard too much, and need to leave and
as I walked away..
You grabbed my arm and told me to stay.
You said...
U r not pretty, U r beautiful.
The only thing fat, or big, about you is your heart.
I don‘t want to be with you forever, I need to be with you forever.
And I wouldn‘t cry if you walked away...I would die.

Paddle of hope?
i wont paddle the boat.
i was so worried tat it would sink like it did.
i was breathless,n i thot i wud die.
well,god is being fair.
giving me bek ma life.
giving me the boat to continue ma journey.
should i paddle?
or shud i juz depend on the wave tat lead me to nowhere.
staring at paddle..
but not having e courage to...
i need the paddle to continue the journey..
but i am paranoid tat i wud sink..
n if i do..
i noe i wud be out of breath n ma soul will linger around..
leaving ma body in the isolated island..
trust is ol i need..
the paddle?
left untouched....
Labels: Linger
very much in love =)}
@12:15 pm
Thumbs Up for Eagle Eye=)awesome!
lovely action movie=)
went to CS straight from work to book the tix.
reached at 830pm n kol muhd..
he was on his wae to CS.
So decided to buy the tix first while waiting for him.
so we have 1 more hours to go.
walk around CS..
drag him to MPH. since u asked me whr i wana go=)
after a few mins he cant take it.
showed him this poetry book. lovely~
n we go off. walk around.
we talk alot rather then looking at things around us.
n we dun even realise 1hr has passed..
went in at 940pm..n e movie started around 10pm..
n theres one part of the movie.
that really mek me go =_="
its like a slap on ma face. N muhd juz laugh n give this smile.
so not necessary~ n i juz stop eating those popcorn..=)
but atleast "u noe" now ryte? lol!
there's few msges from ersyad tho i told him im in e cinema..
muhd get irritated.
took ma fone n keep it. =_=' sowie=(
movie ended at 12am..
went to e carpark n he sae he park his car at B1..
but it wasnt there.. =S
we look for it..n i know he luper where he park his car..
N i dun believe it will be stolen..crap!
in the end he recalled..
B2..see~ =) so who is e forgetful soul now?.. =)
so yaa..
decided to go to "susuk"..
scary but they are gorgeous.. =)
i was amazed actually..seriously...
n he sent me home..
LOvely night spent but i dun elaborate much.
coz currently im juz feeling pissed.
very much in love =)}
@12:39 pm
The Day!
Back from the ISO 9001 -Quality Management System Requirements and the OHSAS 18001 - Occupational health and safety management system meeting. today is the official auditing day for our company and i am really tense coz i will be reaponsible for the internal audit. crazziness. but yea. having the responsibility to do it, i have to perform the duty well. n alhamdullilah for half of the dae( half dae jer), it went pretty well. but there's another 2 more daes to go. tu lagi satu masalh.. but nvm.. juz be confident and act like u know everything regarding the company. sometimes its the wae u talk n bring yourself that makes the different.. =) MP=_="Work load has been haunting me every single dae. seriously, there will be no end to your work..tho u did like half of the task..wen u review ur plate,its still the same load.. so its like a cylcle..it will add on to your plate ever single dae.. without u realising it.. but heck care.. you are not the only one having this life..theres worse out dere..so chill n eat your load "plate" slowly.. =)feel tired? juz move your chair to your colleague n talk to them.. or go to your blog n update..vomit everything out~ huhur..hari rayer celebration? hmm.. only a day was spent..went out with ma family..we dont really went to visit our cousins coz we saw them during the gathering at my grandmother house..so ya.. and add on to ma father couldnt-be-bothered.. n this couldnt-be-bothered sickness is very contagious..seriously sia~ especially to ma family..godness =) but im trying hard to cure this sickness.. tho mcm tak boleh pon ader.. =_="confession moment
every single question was answered
vows were made
sigh and silence was the only replied given
upon hearing the truth..
i started this "game"
swallowin every bit..
argument was held upon hearing those lies..
dumb me.=_="
nvr dwell on the past..yea..
another confession moment was held..
bliss. nuff saed.
just know e ryte tyme to cure those pain
glad that everything ended in a nice wae..
the more im running away from ol this..
the nearer i am.
His Will.
but sad to sae..
im still running awae from this..
at tymes, u have your own reason for every step u take..
very much in love =)}
@11:56 am
unfortunately i was having a BAD fever on
unlucky?. i noe.
with my gay voice.
n ma headache.
but overall.. i had fun! :)

the bongsu=_="

ma-forever-giving-me-advise in life..
one reason y i manage to step in the masjidil haram :)

20,19 n 19. ;)

irritatin but lovable angel. =)

very much in love =)}
@11:14 am
E gathring moments.(bliss)
one of the awesome celebration ive always look forward to.
e day when u will meet up with all your love ones.
but unfortunately, i dun really had lot of funs with ma cuzin.
coz ma working schedule..
well, i dun blame anyone for this..
this is working life..ryte ppl?=)~
to be frank..i miss ma KL & shah alam(if im not wrong.mcm salah pon ader.tp tkpe.)cuzin.
last year was better i guess. more tyme were spent together.
yeaaa..last year im schooling.so i have ol e tyme to spent wit them.
but Pok Long didnt get to rayer ing with us last year..again,minus point.=(
im looking forward for this year rayer ing bcoz e fact that i cud meet up with ma-once-in-a-year-cuz.
seriously i was hell excited.
but too bad, i was having this irritating headache,ma throat is killing me! i cud not eat or drink those drinks n spicy food..upset ryte? i noe!!
went to ma grandma houz at woodlands(will update e pic soon)
meet ol ma siblings..
ol was like.."ehk! nie ziela??" takk perrluuu...=_="
i was like..."haha..yerr~" takkan lahz niek nyanyi dier kan(ma grandma)
eat some cookies,drink hot plain water(n it feel so sucky to drink it wen the others having ol kind of colourful drink)
well, i tried, but i start to cough every min for juz a sip of F&N strawberry=_="
went to mastora house..n off we go..
Working. start at 830am till 7pm. coz theres too much work..supposedly it should end at 530pm. so ya. i was kinda excited to go home n meet ma cuzin!
rushed home..took e taxi n i reached at 10pm.
darn tired. ma head juz wana explode. ma throat,worse.
from 5am ok..i was so sleepy..
but decided to eat and chill with eki,ershad,eqmal,gegel n nani..
godnoes how excited i was to see them.<3
went to lido and chill till 4am..
by 2am i was half dead..
i dun talk much coz it feels like someone is sitting on top of ma head.headache.
i was so weak.but the fact that i wana chill with this once-in-a-year-cuz juz make me stronger.
we ate steamboat.n its like tak cukup2..
i suppose to treat ershad for his bdae, since they suggested lido,den i juz agreed.
it may not be e wahlah bdae treat ever.
it cud be a lameness bdae treat ever.
but it the thots that counts ryte?..
setahun skali tu..ok per..
but the tyme juz doesnt seeems ryte,its olready 1am n there's not much choice..
but almost 7 to 8 plates sia! lol
but it was just a short chill out i guess.
maybe becoz i was not feelin well,tats y i dun really had fun.
n its sucky coz e other tyme u gona chill out wit them will be october 2009!=_="
alahzz..atleast we do meet up n chill..
sometimes, less is more =D
it feel weird.
theres a reply but no eye contact.
it feels weird wen i always waited for the dae, but it doesnt turn out the wae it used to.
it feels weird wen u ignore, but every question that i asked, was answered by u.
it feels weird that im feelin worried.
it feels weird coz theres tears during farewell.
it feels weird wen theres conversation, but theres simply no eye contact involve.
it feels weird wen i caught u staring.
it feel weird wen we cud be so close but wen we meet up, it seems like we nvr had a conversation.
tho we always had it every single dae.
i feels weird coz i really miss u hell much.
it feels weird that u were waiting for ma comeback.
it feels weird that u keep calling for maa return.
it feels weird coz i dun even noe where it goes wrong.
'goodbye'seems so hard coz i hv yet to sae 'hai' to u..
it feels weird tat i am affected by it.
it feels weird coz im hurt.
n it feels weird tat theres much to sae,but less tyme to spent.
n it feels hurt to realise that we will meet up for the next coming year.=_="
maybe i dun show that im excited,coz ma head is killing me at tat period of tyme.
u cud simply tell by ma his/she voice.
but god is always fair.
maybe wat happen, theres hikmah ryte. yea.
n god noes how much i always waited for this gathering.
n how much i miz u truckloads.
Labels: adored
very much in love =)}