@12:45 pm
in denial.
n strictly nothing to do with ma life.
e life of people around you.....
hope that were given.
those kisses that were shared.
oh u,how long r u going to play diz game of yours?
vows that were given.
oh cant u see from those eyes that are filled wif luv of yours?
there will be a dae of separation.
a fullstop to ol those vows n hope.
oh u, hw selfish can u be?
leaving e soul hangin in the air.
n u leaving with a new life of yours.
for once believe in retribution/karma.
dont you feel guilty..
a pinch of sympathy, is there?
lost of words.
Labels: affected.
very much in love =)}
@1:21 pm

as usual...
having ma break as for now...
btw, i had ma lunch..=)
so wat did i do on weekend?
pretty relaxin n fattening dae actually..lol..
doesnt matter tho =P
Saturdae woke up at 10am..feeling2..went down..had ma breakfast n watch tv..
BUT i cant..ol of us have to wake up n clean e houz..
coz 'captain' a.k.a 'CID' a.k.a 'Mak' start to command..
so yaa... =_="
n in the afternoon.. nani n me decided to cook..
we cook n eat n cook n eat..
haizz..but aniwae~
we cook opor, sambal telur ikan bilis n sambal belacan..
n i love e sambal belacan..finger licking!
i loike!...=))
but i didnt like e opor n e egg..
ate ma sambal belacan wit fish..sudap!
den nani decided to cook
this bubur chacha..
oklahz..i didnt eat..freakin sweet..
but i had fun cooking..
learning slowly..lol.. =P
n i watch few vcd wit nani n shah..
play with mentayang..
hes so aggressive...but so manjer..*hugz* =)
n etc. =P
love has been workin..thot wana pack e food for his lunch...
hmmm..but too farr...
called FedEx to pass it to him..but line was cut off..hmm..
too bad~ =( ouh tak ehk..=P
ouh ya, went out for dinner wit his parents on fridae..last minute..
had our dinner at jurong point..
his mum was not in a condition..shes havin fever..been coughin n coughin..
but still dunwana go doctor..amamakz.. it runs in e blood i guess..hee
his dad was being such patience soul n bare with her..so manis~=)
i ate yong tau fu..n most it were 'green'
dah mcm Kambing..lol..mum ate fish n chip, luf ate nasi berani n dad ate e same dish as me..
it was flooded wit ppl...so semak..but we get a sit tho..
His mum was tokin bout those young couples wit babies beside us..
i juz listen...
tokin bout how his mum n dad married at a young age..
his dad was funny ol e wae.. "sweet 16" ehk pakcik..
his mum abit garang...tatot~ =S but can see shes a very soft hearted soul..
so ya..we ate n went off..=)
lamernyer werk abezzzz niariii...~ =(
Labels: thots of e dae =)
very much in love =)}
@12:48 pm
This song came into ma mind..
this song has been awhile tho..

At eight o'clock we said good-bye,
That's when I left her house for mine.
She said that she'd be staying in,
Well she had to be at work by nine.
So I get home and have a bath,
And let an hour or two pass,
Drifting in front of my T.V.,
When a film comes on that she wants to see.
It's Monday morning 5:19
And I'm still wondering where she's been,
Cos everytime I try to call I just get her machine.
And now it's almost six a.m.
And I don't want to try again,
Cos if she's still not back then this must be the end.
At first I guess she's gone to get
Herself a pack of cigarettes,
A pint of milk, food for the cat,
But it's midnight now and she's still not back.
At half past two I picture her
In the back of someone else's car.
He runs his fingers through her hair,
Oh you shouldn't let him touch you there.
Monday Morning 5:19
Labels: rialto
very much in love =)}
@7:57 am
"knowin ziela, i noe=_=' "
wahh...so much of noeing i guess...so wen was the last tyme we sit n talk...=_="
so much of closeness between us huh...i hardly noe u...n we hardly talk...
so where do e "knowin" appear...? hmph..
guess uve been hearing n asking from others..
things were said n analysis btween both of you..
well done..=_="
those sentences that were saed by me yesterdae..
sis, i dunnoe why..but one word, "tired"
suddenly i juz
mean wat i sae yesterdae..
being selfish? hmm..i dunnoe...
i cud sense it..
like it used to be before..
which i assume that its juz ma" i______s"
but at e end if the dae its true..=)
can i?..
i need e ryte tyme..
i need strength as for now..=)
sometimes, ppl around make ur heart go real stone.random.
will continue later....
till den we meet again..
Labels: stagnant mode
very much in love =)}
@1:00 pm
10 Random thots for e dae =)1) i had a gift from a colleague.
2) ive juz vomitted few hours ago.
3) bless with ma job. tho it kinda pissed me off sometimes.
4) i Need to save n be a lil selfish at sometymes.
5) tasting bliss =))
6) i wana go to the beach.
7) slept for 8 hrs yesterdae! =))
8) i will nvr change MY fone. mind you.=)
reason: it is more than juz a Fone=)
9) absent-minded at tymes.very irritatin. i noe.hmph!
10) im mad with one of ma colleague at this period of tyme. =(
but i do talk to her tho. =_="
hmm...ok..lets make it as 20 random thots of the dae!
11) im eatin another apple now.
12) mum juz kol a min ago n ask..
" ela dah makan? tgh uat aper? banyak kejer?.." uat senang2 jer tak boleh tanyer pat rumah..hee..
calling me every single dae she have now.. lol.. love u too mum!=)
13) im meetin john later! yeah..=))
14) i feel like going out later..hmm..
15) i missing mastura anuar.
16) im endin ma break at 2pm todae.
17) i have a new colleague name Alex.=_="
18) i juz received a msg from "luf=)"
"syg...i kene keje niari...ada orng amek MC.."
kalo gtu u pon amek MC jelahz..hmpf..=))so amendment on random thots on no. 13 ...im not meetin john todae=(
19) i juz remember i nid to submit a document to jeffrey by 3 pm todae.
20) im gettin back to work! =))
till den we meet again..=)
guess we are not gona meet up todae too due to your last minute call for your work.=(
its ok...niwae its for work..do i have a choice?=)
till then.
Labels: misses, random
very much in love =)}
@7:39 am
Good Morning to u im wishin=)
yeah, step in e office as early as 730am..
nah, its juz half an hour early... =)
n its better this way coz i dun have to rush up ma task..
atleast i can write down wat i have to do for the dae..
rather than steppin in the office, sit n do watever things that was lying on ma table..
so kokap..n so not organise..MP..lol! =P
so ya..wat did i do on 16 february 2008,Monday.
hmm..at work? hmph! monday blues.
actually it wasnt tat bad after all..
kinda glad that i make an initiative to come back on saturdae n clear ol ma plate..
those pending documents that i have yet to clear it out..
n when i step in the office, it was abit organise..so ya..for better..=)
work has been pretty good..but no doubt i tend to make mistake here n there..
well..it takes tyme..n i understand..kinda pissed me off sometimes..
being positive is e best option i guess..=)
ouh ya..met nuraini in the mrt..one of ma ite friends..
we gona have a reunion on the 27th February..=)
work end as late as 6pm..
met john CCK mrt station..for dunnoe wat reason i was missing him so badly yesterdae..
missing him as early as 8am..n im endin ma work at 6pm..
wonderful isnt it? 10 hours of waiting..lol.
he message n told me that he gona have his lunch at madinah..
n nani claim that it was at arab street..=_="
thx u very nice..lol.
so not necessary...=_="
met at cck mrt station.. n had our dinner at LJS.
seeing him juz make ma dae lahz..as simple as that..=)
he was lookin good with his new hair...lagi make ma dae..lol..ouh a'ah=P
so yaa..we decided to go home as both of us are working in the morning tomolo..
tho we had few arguments in the car...hmph..
due to both stubborness...
n my olwaes-have-a-reason sickness..
well.. at e end of the dae.. its was for good..
i noe hes mad for ma own good...n i love him for that..=)
glad that e argument that we had nvr dwell.. we talk..we argue...n within an hour..
we are loving each other...
hmph! nw im missing him..grr...=P
k im doing ma work..
till den, we meet again..
tasting bliss.
thx u god.nuff saed=)
Labels: bliss
very much in love =)}
@8:59 am
Missing u badly=(
nuf saed.
Labels: misses =)
very much in love =)}
@7:37 am
Believing=)believe in wat see.
believe in wat u do.
believe with wat were shown.
believe with wat were said.
Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
Forgive quickly.
God never said life would be easy.
He just promised it would be worth it.
"If you love the life you live, you will live a life of love=)"
nuff saed.
p.s: splitting headache due to 2hrs of nap.anw,TGIF!! =))
Labels: trust
very much in love =)}
@1:07 pm
"why now? why after 2 months plus?"
those were the question asked..
it keep on lingering on ma mind thru out e nyte..
tsk! that period of tyme..
how i wish i cud rewind those moment n take bek those words..
how foolish n heartless can a soul be? what was i thinking at that period of tyme?
wat did i do?
spoilt ol those appetite..
kill ol those laughter..
buried ol those happiness..
n wat do i gain? nothing.
well done.=S
that period of tyme.
i kept maself shut.
silence ol e wae.
i juz stare at those disappointed eyes.
hmph.."how cud i ?" =(
how cud i even hurt those eyes.
those eyes tat see ma imperfection perfectly.=)
those eyes tat nvr complaint.
those eyes that nvr failed to make me feel complete.
those eyes that make me walk on air.
those eyes that make me feel something tat i nvr felt before.
apologise for e heartless act.
the abrupt paranoia WAS killing me.
i repeat,"was".
If love is music in its purest form, then you are the notes on the page and the melody in my heart.
Labels: abrupt paranoia
very much in love =)}
@4:53 pm
Take my hand when my eyes weep.Hold me gently in your arms.Finger my curls, as I sleep.Dazzle me with all your charm.***Provide me time and space.
Listen closely when I speak.
Secure in your life my place.
Support me the times I'm weak.
Cherish our time together.Dread any time we're apart.Mean when you say forever.Let my absence gnaw your heart.***
And let all my joys be yours.
Let my sorrows be as well.
And share relationship chores.
Mind your ego, lest it swell.
And I beg you never fight.Let us walk our time in peace.With a kiss for every night,Let our passions never cease.But above all these my Love,
Swear always that you'll be true.
For's not you I ask these of -
They're my promises to you. =)
Labels: bliss
very much in love =)}
@2:05 pm
alryte..as usual..having ma break..and amazingly i feel hungry..like real hungry..ordered Mac fillet meal..n drank hot tea..suddenly im craving for it..and having to eat it..it feels so much better now..=) accompanied by those hot tea..im much awake.. hot drinks juz wake me up..=) hot coffee? i'll give it a pass..will only have it when im really in need of it..when both eyes kept shuttin down..i'll have it..=)
will be having CNY dinner with sumiyoshi at COPTHORNE KINGS'S HOTEL at 7pm. it is near e padang..at havelock road.=) it will be ma first ever tyme touching ma feet in. Dun feel like going tho its a 4 star hotel. hmph. i feel so leceh..n it will be around 30 to 35 ppl..hopefully it will take around 1 or 2 hours den i can go off n meet john. =) john was being such a nice soul by fetchin me later. so jeffry..u can bring your larling back home safely.lol.=)
And wishin a 2nd month old to 'US'. =)
yea, tyme pass real fast n i dun even realise it touches 2 month old. well theres much more to go..n im glad that ive met you along the wae. like ive olwaes believe that whatever u gone thru, nvr regret coz it will make u a stronger soul. and for those who believe n have faith in Him, be patience as god is thinking of something better to give you. n im blessed for giving me someone that never failed to brighten up ma dae every single minute of ma life. sometimes theres up n down n i nvr take it as an obstacle, coz having those arguments will make us noe deeper about e other soul. so dun ponder so much n love someone for whoever they are. =) for e past 2 months,one word i would sae, " euphoria". those trip, those laughter, those argument=) n those moment spent. very much appreciated. thx love, u noe i heart u alot..n i noe u luv me more..=) ouhhtakkk~;) very much!
later we go walk2 sampaiiiiii *cough* syng u many2=)
n weekend spend every single minute with your parents tey=) pity them.. everytime u r back, they are asleep..n i feel bad too=( so make sure weekend must berkepit with them tey..till they suffocate~ lol.. they miss u dear.. n i noe u do too love=) dun worry bout your love.. " i tak kesah seh" *stomach in" LOL. hehehehe...=p
take care switheart..have a wonderful weekenD...=)
And irsyad, as for 2molo, i'll gve it a pass.. next tyme aite! yaa....at tymes, u have to lose something in order to gain something...n im losing this fun to gain those love..ouh tk ehk? lol.. k dear.. enjoy! =)
Labels: 2 month old.
very much in love =)}
@1:58 pm
i nid a break as for now.=)
otey..been abit tired this few days.
even now.
headache.maybe coz of work.
well nothing,used to it=)
wen u dun even noe where to start.
juz wrote down ol the thing that i have to do.
so ya.better now.
feel much lighter.
i adore e commitment that i used to shower.
at tymes i feel bad.
for e things that were...
God, give me strength.
dun let me sink.
coz u are e only reason y im standin here still.
i feel serenity wenever in closer to u.
Labels: e creator.
very much in love =)}