@10:20 am
hey ppl =)
this will be ma last entry for this blog.
having another blog.
link to me n maself. =)
more flexible in expressin ur thots. haa.
till then..we meet again..
u guyz can still tag tho =)
farewell~ =)
Labels: farewell
very much in love =)}
@3:56 pm
sometimes obstacles in life will make u wiser n stronger..
to show you what is life..
n how you manage to hold on to it..
this is juz a pinch..
n i noe..theres more to come..
i noe ive been vomitting things out to you..and at tymes i will tend to make u frustrated over ol the stupid question that was asked repeatedly.. i noe each of us have our own things to deal with n it woudnt be fair for me to have it ol on you.. i hope you understand and when everything is back to the place..we go holidae samer2 jom! lol... ahhh...maner kiter nak pergi..itu yangg kiter tak tau...hee..=P thanks for being there for me switheart... you are like a father, brother n a friend.. n of course a lover..for someone who nvr failed to advise me...sometimes i do rebel..but i at e end of the dae...i noe where u coming from... dear, ive learn alot wen im wit you.. thx for being there for me...i promise you that there will be no white hair growing from your hair anymore tey...=(
i love you sweetheart<3i realise that some wae or somehow, whatever happen it has make me stronger...abit lahz...kan3? .. kasi lahz semangat sikit~ lerr...=P
lot of things were saed...but i think each soul has its strength n weaknesses...n im hapie for whoever you are... n i hope it will be same for you too...
we will go thru this together... =)
"When I see your smile
tears roll down my face
I can't replace.
And now that I'm strong I have figured out
how this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul,
and I know i'll find deep inside me,
i can be the one. =)"
Labels: ma guardian angel
very much in love =)}
@12:01 pm
Ma sae.
for every corner of the mind.
nothing personal.
do not take into account coz it doesnt apply to any particular soul that happen to be here.
something general..bout life...bout what u see...what u listen n what u had been thru..
for ol have thier own wae of analysing things around..
so dun ever judge..juz study n learn...
part of this post,some will tend to get muddle and some may understand..
my advise is...Ignorance is Bliss..=)
Paulo Coelho. yeap. a famous writer that really make u wiser.
this is not dramatic, love or horror or any fiction book that make u imagine n make u fly.
coz this kinda book will nvr be in ma bag..
so ya..Paulo Coelho..
a writer that nvr failed to talk about life..bout the experience he had in life..how he deals with it..
n how he manage to be this far..
to be more acceptance.
to be more wiser.
n etc.
ive stop reading it a few months ago..yea..till e dae i step ma feet into this bookstore..
n i saw a book called "By the River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept" by Paulo Coelho.
haa..k the title sound really dramatic. i thot it was..till i read it halfwae..n i realised..this is the book that will make u wiser n inspires you. n it kinda make you stronger somehow..=)
its about patience.
bout your pride.
bout each path that u took represent who you are.
bout the decision n about "Others"...
decision were made in diferent waes ;
for this..depends on individual...n each decision reflect the inner side of you.
ar tymes you just sit n ponder bout the thing that has been saed n has been thrown n did to you.
not to dwell of course.
but to analyse n study.
ppl will sae...ppl will give u advise and ppl will do anything to you that at e end of the dae u think that you are worthless..
sheesh~ =_="
it will juz make you n yourself worse n having to suffer it ol by yourself..
so what does it make u..weaker? ppl will think you are soft and weak...ppl will think that you cant even stand on your own grounds..haa..
once again...i repeat...that is what was saed by "people"
at the end of the dae...u lead your own path... n you dont live to please others..
for i think we do what we want to....we do what our heart wants coz at the end of the dae...you have done your part...you didnt hold on to anything...
why do you have to hold on? what do you gain by doing so?
atleast at the end of the dae you wont be saying this to yourself...
" i should have did that.."
for that...regrettin will not lead you back to your past...but it will somehow make you learn...
mistake is to learn but not to repeat...=)
at tymes ppl will throw n shoot to you...at tymes theres a need to reply..den juz do it so...
but sometimes you think that replying will lead to another argument n knowing that the table will somehow turn it bek to you...so why bother?
leave it...learn to swallow.
n having to have this ignorance attitude..is a total bliss...
sometimes "It" is so strong that make you juz wana compromise...but still it depnds on individual...
People will sae who you should be like...
but you decide you pathwae...=)
sometimes...some people tend to forget n forgive n really forget...n juz appreciate what it is now..
for they learn that grudges will lead to hell..
but somehow...ppl think they are pushover..
they can easily be used...
n theres no challenge in this kinda people..
well...this people never regret what was given to them by Him...
n this people is grateful...tho sometimes people tend to step on them...they believe in retribution and karma...=)
well...i dunnoe...like ive saed...this is ma sae...an opinion that came from one sided...maybe true to some n may be bullshit to others...
for that do i look look bothered..? im sorry...coz i dun...
yea.... sometimes... we may think...
should decision be made by the mind or heart?
well...it depends...
to each thier own.
but it will not only depend on one...
but both...it how u balance it...
n one thing....something that i learn...
dun ask others for the path that u wana take...
learn the road, analyse e road...n experience the journey yourself...
think if it worth the effort ...
if this is the pathwae that u think you could handle...
den ponder, decide n do it...for that is what u have learn n decided...
Dun you ever decide by others decision coz it shows that you dun even noe where you are going..
at e end of the dae...you gona walk down the road ol by yourself...
so does this adviser of yours were there if you were to trip n fall..?
the pain will be juz in you...
so whats the point...n once again you will end up regrettin...
nvr feel stupid for every step taken...
ppl may think ol kind of thing of you....but be glad that you have done your part...
n whatever u did...have its own reason...
n u noe the exact reason why u did it...
as for others...they can have ol the thots of u...but it doesnt change for whoever you are...
u live your wae thru...
falling...is juz another beginning..to make u stronger n learn...
i will never ever be the end...
every fall is to wake you up...
believe in whatever is writen in your life...=)
a random post.
very longgg...i noeee..
my blog...so ma sae ah..
tc ppl..
till den we mit again...
n plz...this is nothing personal nor does it apply to any particular soul..
a general post of life..
so do not analyse...
Labels: random thots
very much in love =)}
@4:21 pm
for "Our" heart still beat as one.
ive learnt n realise where e mistake was.
n writing a new paragraph.
n leaving e past behind.=)
Labels: truth
very much in love =)}
@4:17 am
stuck in this room of mine...
pondering over what have been done n saed....
status changes, n to make it better..."single" ... changed in a split second... well done... speechless..
this is wat life is...different people have thier own wae of handling n coping things in life...
so dun judge or complaint...we cud juz see n analyse...
someone saed.. " he will do juz fine...but can u cope with it or not?"
hmmmm...well...its e matter of the heart... whether i cud handle this or not...let it juz be in me...
sometimes it kept me pondering...
after e incident...u msg n sae... "dun sae enuf is enuf..i will olwaes be by ur side.."
i smiled while reading those msges...
for that moment i thot u understand...but i trap by those words...i was wrong...
every single thing that happened...it has been in him...everything was kept...n one point...u juz throw it out.....n it juz make me go silence...simply lost of words...
nvm...different ppl have thier own wae of accepting things...
u scolded me for not telling everything about ma problems n ma family...
sometimes...not everything can be shared...
but i tried to change n tried to vomit out little by little bout e things in ma mind...
i start to tell things bout ma life...
coz i thot im ready to let everything out...
bout ma family...
ma work..
but now u saed... " maybe i cud not handle e pressure anymore "
i dun blame you........ maybe if i were to be in your shoes...it will be the same...
juz that dun saae that u cud when u cant...
dun force me to tell everything but at e end of the dae....this is wat i get in return...
dun get things wrong...i noe everything has already ended n nothing cud have change that...
coz for that i dun hope...
well...no point to even dwell...
decision has been made....everything has already been saed...
i dun wish to sae whoever fault it is...
but i will juz sae...whatever happen, has its own reason...
n i believe...this is a test for me...for i thot i have alreeady settle down to one thing...
but i was wrong...
He is still testing me...n will accept it with an open hand n heart..=)
but seriously, dun sae u cud handle ol this, wen u really cant...
dun sae u will be by me wen deep down u noe u gona let it go one dae...
dun sae about what gona happen in a few years tyme wen u cant adapt to it now...
u told me u cud not adapt to Them....by thinking of solving it...u decided to run awae from this....
is it fair for me?
do i deserve this? for something that i didnt sae n i dun even wish it gona happened?
once again...no point dwelling...
i will make do with it...
tyme for me to go off to work now...
its 5am...
wen u feel so tired...but u cant sleep...
wen u love someone...but it goes to waste...
cud it worst...?
life have to move on...
i'll do just fine...=)
Labels: swallow
very much in love =)}
@1:50 am

ive ponder..
ive decided..
n ive have saed it out..
...thx for ol the moment spent...
u have taught me alot...n nvr do i ever regret what we had..
i will do juz fine...
i hope...
Labels: ......
very much in love =)}