@11:21 am

Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true...very much in love. nothing more.im blessed=)
You may never know how important you are to me or how much I care for you, but you are and you will always be. Bear in mind that I couldnt afford to lose someone I've learned to care about so much.
Labels: blessed
very much in love =)}
@7:39 am
e Welcome.hmmm...first of all let me juz sae im glad that evrythig went smoothly when i went out to have dinner with his family. Lovely family i would sae. united n lots of laughter=) it was a last minute plan when i received a msg from him, saein i will be meeting his parents at jurong point after i end ma werk..i was like...serious shit? shit!...=Phmmm..its a last minute thing..so i rushed out of the office n went to jurong point.. n there ma mind goes..basically, i was scared..really do..only He noes how i felt..=) but alhamdullillahz.. they are not monster..hee..ouh tk perlu ehk? kiddin luv! =)
so yaa..salam his parents n talk to his mum..bout kuih, bout work, bout her work, n everything..lovely mum.. very the kecoh n enjoyzing..=)
so yaa...i was kinda feel bad coz they actually waited for me..hmph! your son informed me last minute..basically not ma fault..hee..=P
he was driving n i sat with his mum...there it goes again..lol! hee.. 5246845 question...n 2684114854952 answer..take care ziela..n nurazman was having fun laughing...very nice~ went to Sakunthala's Restraunt at little india..the food was awesome! =) i had fun.nuff saed.=)
everything changes wen i reached home. it was olmost midnight. dad was mad. he was showing this attitude. didnt expect that to happened. for both side,apologize
for wat had happened. yaa..dad shouldnt have done that. well, i dun blame him for wat happened. he's a father. so just wana make things better, i sat beside him n talk to him nicely. told him where, when n what happened. n why i was late. apologize to him n told him that i wont make him worried again. hmm..thats it.he
hug me n sae dun do it again. i noe, its for ma own good dad.u juz dunwan it to be like a habit to me. i understand wat he meant. so i juz apologize n everything is ok.
i noe you are hurt,you are disappointed ever wat happened.let juz take it like a son n a father thing dear. wat he did maybe a bit harsh but dun hold any grudges coz he means good.dun feel humiliated over wat happened.anger from a dad doesnt last dear. im sorry for wat happened. i hope you dun take it too hard. he love us, thats y hes doing ol this...sowie dear.."very much~"=)shocked upon received e msges.
hmmm..u shudnt have done that.
well,i understand..at tymes, mind juz not functionin n u tend to do things that u dun even want to..
this is just a small test..
we gona go thru lots more..
wenever we are at our lowest point..
go bek from where we are..
we will nvr get lost..
n it will mek us much more stronger.
nvr let those anger n revenge suffocate us.
we will regret n "they" will laugh at us,coz they win.
n having to realise, it maybe too late.
very much in love.
Labels: =)
very much in love =)}
@12:08 pm
mind kept looking at those PC.
tried to stop.
unfortunately,decided to switch it on.
Seems like i nid to noe more.
seems like someone is whisperin n askin me to.
N there i am again.
at ma own risk again i wud sae.LOL.
nah..for the seek of noein. n i dun think theres any harm.
every word,every pic m every post.
there it is.
no no no.
juz for the sake of noein n nothing more.
the past n present.
it will nvr b e same. i Hope.
nothing much to talk about.
dun feel like vomit it out here.
at tymes,its better to keep it between u n Him.
coz at e end of the dae,he noes wats best for u.
im done!!
signin off.
*it wont move me,not even an inch.trust.'sym2'.*
nuff saed.
Labels: a test from Him=)
very much in love =)}
@5:47 pm
was juz reading the blog and i would sae i kinda get affected wen i read it.i dun blame anyone coz i do it at ma own risk.=) well, things happen for a reason. hmmm..im sowie if ol those images really hurt someone. well, i nvr thot it gona be that wae. im feeling how it feels. shows that you are affected by it. n shows theres still love lingering around you. i mean no harm or do i even want it to be posted. this is one of the only reason y. hah. y did i even apologize in the very first place? nahh...i feel sorry. tats ol.
i wont let it affect any part of maself. im feelin cold wen i read it. the sarcasm..hmm..ouch!.. hmmmm...i dunwana repeat e mistake. being paranoid over e past. well, i enter wen every end.. n i hope it really end..
im tasting bliss. n plzz god give me strength.im paranoid.but i still have faith in u.reading ol those, suffocate me.nuff saed.
i nid strength.
i nid faith.
i nid trust.
i will have ol those 'nid' wen i have sum1.
im feelin so cold.suddenly.hmmm....
off from work. mind not functionin.
n im comin bek 2molo. have to. =)
n i trust u.=)
very much.................~hmmm=)
very much in love =)}
@11:53 am
**images**Random check.
changes were made.
wasnt there in the very first place.
affected by the sight of it i supposed.
i assumed.
well,hopefully everything will be fine.
a pinch of affection.
poison portion.
i admit.
burst those thots wenever it exist.
i will.
coz it lead to nowhere,but e end.
no point. =)
Trust.nuf saed=)
very much in love =)}
@12:52 pm

** Joy n crazziness **
You've Changed My Life
Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening to my personal problems. Dear, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring. You've changed my life, and make everything seems so right.
You're the only Soul who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. You taught me how to handle life seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any fear.when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one.
I know that when you say u do and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on. I love you and that's what I want you to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps for a lifetime. And i really thx God for everything.i really do.. =)
When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly..
"How Much??..:P
Verrryy muchhh!!"
met ma gorgeous n deaaaresstt Mastura yester at CWP.. it was a random meet up coz i was returning ma storybook... while walkin to the CWP i cud sense that she cud be around cwp n i made a random kol! n yea! she was havin her dinner with booboo..ya sia..i olwaes kol u or meet you wrong timing..but i noe u miss me! walaopun expression kau mcm tak excited..hee..i noe u tired luv..=) n yes! i demand a proper meet up too!i was so excited to meet u gal!wen was the last tyme we met u tell me?? lol! ya ya..it was olwaes me..hee.. n I DID WISH U ON YOUR BDAE TEY!..god..hw cud u accused me..i called you at 6 plus in the morning otey..i miss u dearly..yea! i will see you perform one dae tey~ i will come dear..hmm..it has been awhile..anw,glad you are doing great now..happiness is around u can seein2..hapie for u!! =) n i miss ma karma girls. new year? hopefully i can make it gals. lookin forward for it! =)
Labels: blessed
very much in love =)}