@5:01 pm
boredom strikes!
i was doing my work wen mind suddenly shut! scary..i noe..so i decided to blog.. ;)
penyakit A. ouh tk ehk? hee..kadang2 jer.. ;)john is having his "vacation in paris".. so cant message2..later he maaarrrahhh
..=( later e face change..i dun like!hmph!
(but mrh tandernyer syng ehk..lol) =) hee.. have your rest love..i noe theres lots of "Sarkis" (case) u have to deal with at work..i understand..will msg wen u msg me first aite=) coz i dunwan u to get awake upon receivin ma msges=) rest well dear..sebabbbbbb 2molo is SATURDAE! =) hee..yeah! i noe u excited more..lol..*diggin nose* hee..
cant wait to meet John later.. im rottin in this office.. serious shit..SHIT!..=S n its fridae..n FRIDAE MODE = HOLIDAE MODE.. so sorry boss.. its ma holidae mode.. u can continue wit your energetic mode..=) i give up.....
amamakz! tyme check 5:18pm...*glance at hp*.. noooo mmmsssgggg..=(
dier penat lah! understand lah ckit ziela! ok!=)guess i will be meeting him at yishun lahz..will be easier for him kan...yeah..=)
wateva is easier for u, will be much easier for me dear..=)
very much!=)
i may hurt u along e way by talkin bout e past..im sowie dear.. i noe i shudnt have..u have ol e right to mad at me..n im not angry..infact im glad u blow out to me..i really nid it.. (sometimes jer k..kenot olwaes..)heeit wake me up n i will stop..im juz a human..another weak soul from e Creator n never fail to make mistake..once u sae it out, i juz kept silence..its not that i wana rebel or wat..coz i regret saein it out..n i prefer to kip maself shut..n i dun blame you for hangin up e fone..=)yaa..i understand.. theres a limit for everything..n theres a limit to your patience..guess i exceed it tat tyme..n it will be e last tyme..=)very much n endlessly! =)tyme check: 5:35pmjohn masi di pasrisi sih...masih belom kesedaran..=(hee...rest well love..i'll wait..=)VERY MUCH N ENDLESSLY!!!Henderson Wave, i is cumin=) n not henderson bridge ehk..=_="(*shake head* *tap forehead*)keselengean btol lahz..anak saper lahz niek... ;)*******************************************See u later NURAZMAN BIN YUSOFF =)i hope so..hee=)Labels: misses =)
very much in love =)}
@8:50 am

current mood: fuming.annoyed.
very first thing in e morning.
testing e patience.
is so not necessary.
ignorance that were given is "very much appreciated".
very nice.
awesomely done.
currently having ma break till 130pm.. n im still on holiday mode.. dragging those feet to go to work..urgh..so e lazy bum..but its ok..i noe im not alone ryte? *wink*
workload = average.
mood = fuming + disappointed + =(
but i dont bother anymore..
let it be =)
at tymes ignorance is bliss..
n swallowing seems to be e best option for me..
coz i juz dont wana argue..
dun wana make unnessary hatred n headache..
wen others dont feel a thing out of it..
so y bother?..
move on=)
as long as you dont do bad to others..u r perfectly safe..
hmm..had a total of 2 hours sleep yesterdae..
maybe bcoz i had a long nap in the afternoon..=_="
well i ask for it...
its holidae mode ppl..=)
so yaa..slept at 3am in the morning..
had a long draggy gossipy conversation with ma dearest mum..
juz realised that shes a crazy soul like me..
talkin n laughin our lungs out..
mepekz jugakz ibu kuz ini..
ma work..
ma life..
ma studies..
ma stubborness..
everything under e sun i muz sae..
seems like now shes easier to talk to..
basically everything..
wonder y... *wink*
im bothered.
sense something is not ryte.
u noe wat? i wont dare to analyse nimore.
simply tired.
anything tat pop out of ma mind..
which cause pain in e heart;
i'll juz breath..=)
coz He noes wats e best for me.
Labels: anger management
very much in love =)}
@9:29 pm
E conversation Again =)
a total of 4 soul..
talkin to me bout "it" again..
in 2 weeks..
hmm..i guess i really nid to get serious on it..
i was called randomly while using e comp...
Him:"what's your problem ziela? just tell me..i cud sense something is bothering u?"
me: "huh? wat u mean? im ok..takder pape lahz =)"
he has been like a father to me..
he noes every part of me..
he noes what lies behind those smile n laughter..
so yaa..only the two of us in the room..
moment of truth i muz sae..
no one realise it...except for him..
even ma parents cud not see it..mayb coz i dun show it?lol..
hmm..maybe its true..
"at tymes u have to be selfish..its for your good.."
i noe..but its easier to sae..but i cant bring maself to do it..=)
im taking a step at a tyme..
i nid some guidance=)
it has been inside me ol this long..
n im glad someone manage see it=)
im done.
5 days of holidae..
been cooking n eatin like theres no tomolo=)
been learning how to cook..
nani is so darn good at cookin now i muz sae..
probably bcoz of e past..
is peddling slowly i am..
ouh th per ehk? perlu lah =)
i noe its not been easy on your side.
i noe u have been holdin it.
i noe u are affected.i dun blame u.
well, at tyme we have to make do with some things.
'Do what you ought and trust what may be.'"
have faith.
love u endlessly sweetheart!=)
*************************************************" True happiness, to me, does not come when you get something you may be wanting for a long time. It truly comes when you start recognizing what you already have."*********************************************************
Obstacles are meant to strengthen, not defeat.
We experience hard times when we start forgetting to appreciate what we have.
No matter what challenges you endure, know that it is only to have you remember what you are made of and the power you have to make a difference.
otey...bofore i end everything...
i noe your are enjoyzing watching your transformer love..hee
well..i understand...guys cant multi-task...ouh salah ehk?kk=)
i dunwana disturb you...so im decided to type it out..=)
tho i wana to tok to u badly...hee..
goodnyte love..missing you badly..
5 days of not meeting u..crazziness..
i noe its been hard on u...
its been harder for me too..
i hope u understand...n i noe u do..=)
take care of yourself n dun stay up too late..
meeting you tomolo is i am..yeah!!=)
When you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember, I'm like a star; sometimes you can't see me, but I'm always there.
goodnyte! very much! =)
Labels: =)
very much in love =)}
@12:08 pm
had a random talk with cik mas regarding savings.well you noe how hard i am in saving. n for this 2009, saving will be one of ma priority since i juz start on ma career. i nid some motivation in this. really.=)
smile n laughter is juz on e outside. some may thot that i dun behave like 20yr old lady.hah.
Well,i dun see e nid of you to show every part of your sorrowness around. i think ppl will be all around u wen u r laughin, but wen u shed your tears, few or none wud be dere...n most of them will juz walk off. so ya.
deep down, only god noes=) coz at e end of e dae, He is e only one who cud help u out.
so wateva things that were uttered to me, i wud juz reply it with a smile.
tho it might be a lil ouch,but hah. do i look bothered? i learnt to swallow.=)
sometymes i do reply, not becoz i wana win or lose...coz im affected.
and i thx this kinda ppl coz they will make u realise.
ignorance is bliss. sometymes.
at tymes, some things are not meant to be told.=)
i juz nid strength.nuff saed.
you might have your salary increment, bonus, n earn few million dollars a month.
but at one point wen u look back, you are olwaes shortage of cash. most of us will encounter this. well i do=)
so where do you go wrong?
knaper orang yg miskin, dorang tak penah sempit. n they olwaes smile=)
it might be juz a word tat one soul will be like =_="
sometimes, e small things that we thot is nothing, is e cause of everything.
Debt.every single cent do matters.
helping others is perfectly fine.coz u nvr noe wen it will be yours.=)
n bcoz of this few cents of loan u had, happiness will not be around u.
yea, its a faster wae to be rich n u thot u have clear ol your burden.
but u dun even realise that u are juz adding salt to e wound.
u might suffer a lil by clearing ol the debts, but at e end of the dae...
u will lead a better life =)
" You are poor as long as you keep begging.
You are rich as soon as you start giving."
im done=)
im killing those feeling.
im killing those thots.
i have type it out,but im deleting every word.
n im glad that i did.
den i realise im gaining something called
very much in love =)}
@12:29 pm
And the funny thing is,
wen ol this feelings came,
wen ur feelin so down,
n e fone rang.
n everything changes *=)*
perfect timing.
current mood: euphoria
craving for black chocolate as at 20 jan 2008.
pure black choc is much appreciated.
When I first held you I was cold
A melting snowman I was told
But there was no-one there to hold before
I swore that I would be alone for ever more
Wow look at you now
Flowers in the windowIt's such a lovely day
And I'm glad you feel the same
Cause to stand up, out in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so
Lets watch the flowers grow
There is no reason to feel bad
But there are many seasons to feel glad, sad, mad
It's just a bunch of feelings that we have to hold
But I am here to help you with the load
Wow look at you now Flowers in the window
It's such a lovely day
And I'm glad you feel the same
Cause to stand up, out in the crowd
You are one in a million
And I love you so
Lets watch the flowers grow
So now we're here and now is fine
So far away from there and there is time, time, time
To plant new seeds and watch them grow
So there'll be flowers in the window when we go!=)
Flowers in e window.
random strikes.
Labels: =s plus =D ??
very much in love =)}
@4:53 pm

Had a short meeting with Ms Ong Wee Wah,General Manager, today.
was abit tense when she called ma name n told me that she wana have a word with me.
butterly in e stomach.
bittng lips.
but nah, why are r u paranoid wen u did nothing wrong..=) so yaa..
came in the room with a smile i am.
well, juz sae its a good news for me? :) im blessed. nuff saed.
when she sae it out, ol i cud sae is "alhamdullilah" =)
tyme for me to really work hard this year for ma career n
studies i would sae.
she trust me in handling e task. thx to u n Him.
nvr regret being here=)
despite of ol the mistake that i've done, u still give me "this".
focus is ol i need as for now..
syukur alhamdullilah=) nuff saed. mum n dad! He's replyin to your prayers.*Very much in luv with u.=)
very much in love =)}
@4:39 pm
random thots.
wen e mind speak n heart listens=)
they can shoot u.
ryte thru e heart.
sometimes it make sense.well it does to be exact.
those " in 10 yrs tyme" thots.
ryte step taken. was impressed i wud sae.=)
well talkin n blabberin is one thing.
takin an action is another major thing i guess.
do u?=)moments wen mind speak n heart listens.
applause to those plan n thots i wud sae.
at tymes takin a step back is better.
runnin too far to e end?
u will juz end up losing e wae.
takin a step back doesnt mean u will be left behind.
juz letting e mind to tink n lead u to e ryte wae.=)
sometimes action speak more than words.....nuf saed.
sometimes people tend to vomit out every piece of thier plannin life. lettin out wats in their mind. n dun even realise how painful it wud affect a particular soul. sometimes it cud be a wake up call. yes i agree. too much of it..more to heartless creature? i supposed. how an individual manage to do it.awesome=) believe in karma.nuff saed=) never ever think highly of yourself..coz any point of tyme u will sink n no one wud ever care. im done.juz a random entry..=)
Labels: random
very much in love =)}
@12:44 pm

time check 12:45pm
having ma break as for now..=)
dun feel like eating coz e leg juz dunwana move but e fingers do! =) ouh tk ehk?kk...=)
so where do i begin...ouh ya..like ive mention on ma previous entry regarding the random meet up with ma dearest mastura:)
relieved n glad.. it has been awhile we have yet to tok about things that have been entering in n out of our life. it was awesome..n im glad you are coping well(mcm tk jugak lahz sebenarnyer kan..lol) wen booboo is awae.well, juz bare in mind that Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.=) otey?.. its a test.=)
so ya..went to have our dinner at banquet n coincidently we met one of our classmate n their table was beside us.. still e same crazy soul i wud sae..=)
talk for a few hours n we dun even realised that its almost 10pm.. more to "serious?!=0 " den "ouh ok..=)" kinda conversation between us...lol..haa..oh salah ehk gal? btol lahz.. ;) so we had to go bek since both of us are werkin e next dae...she was too tired n decided to take a cab..padahal satu bus jer gal..n it took you onli 5 min..haa) well u do look tired..understanding=) sent her to the taxi stand n off to meet nani at marsling MRT station.
Sat with her while waiting for our parents to arrive. nani wana talked to john n i had to pass e fone to her.. went to buy some drinks coz i was darn thirsty n hungry..bought green tea and chocolate(forgot e name of it..nvm)..hmmm...been craving for chocolate lately..is wondering y..=) its otae..dun really care bout calories wen it comes to this*wink* M.P =)
unfortunately, something went wrong during their conversation i guess...wen i came back..she returned the fone to me n walk off... but we did get to meet up at the end of e dae... mood swing i guess..=) tak boleh layankan sgt.. ;) but shes everything to me..too much..=)
trip to e zoo=) awesome n enjoyzing! thx Luv!! =D
yeah!!! i had truckloads of fun!! but e fact that its not a free entry kinda mek me geram wit u.. we can wait n go lain hari kan...but wateva it is..we went in coz i was informed wen we were
already at e zoo...thx u..very nice=) hmph! very much~~!!=)
ta pao nasi goreng, ayam goreng n paru goreng..ol is goreng2..i like~=) nah..it will be easier... n brought jacobs bizcuit n potato chip..mcm hari rayer jugak sebenarnyer..lol.. nah coz Mr john stomach is very big..(tho u cant see it;P) hehe..nah..juz dunwana him to sae "im hungry..=( " very e heart painin... =) so yaa..it was a pleasant outing i would sae.. more to " wah..." den
" ohhh..." lol.. get to watch the show...hold e snake n took pix wit it..the white tiger( trying hard to snap wen they were catching those meat...well..i did once but e photo was like =_=") so ya..give up! =) had our lunch n we ate ol e goreng2 food..nasib baik sedap..lol ;) went to e loo for awhile n wen im back...hes's gone! ="( i olmost cried.. k i was kiddin.thx u=) thot i went to e wrong wae..LOL..keselengean tak abez2!hee..guess wat..he was ryte behind me=) hmph! tak perlu kan tu..yaa..wonder how i react wen hes not there..lol..luv u too! =) so yaa...went to the butterfly area..nice~! =) feed the goat..n lots lots more...basically it was an awesome dae..blessed=) thx luv..every moment spend with u was nvr wasted..=) we spent almost half a dae..tiring but enjoying! we covered almost everything n decided to go home by 6 plus i guess.. went to the counter to take the "manis" picture..lol.. lovely pix taken! it was so nice..i love it dear..juz wana irritate u..hee.. took e bus home n both dah kepenatan..we took a nap in the bus till yishun MRT...bought prata hotdog..e chocolate prata hotdog was ok for me..doesnt really like it actually..but oklahz..i get to finish it tho..lol! =) went to macdonald n ate cheese cake!! atlast~ ; ) both were like darn tired..saw those red eyes n i noe hes very tired..actually we are..hehe..but he waited for ma parents to fetch me..had our random talk..newspaper..( not the july newspaper=_=" lol. *inside joke*) he drove me off to woodlands..n there goes our lovely outing=) once again..i had a great tyme luv! too much... i may have irrtate u in some parts of your busybody life..=P it was merely a joke..nothing personal tey..very much in love..tasting bliss.nuff saed.=)
we have been buzy with our own schedule..with work n family n friends n resting tyme..n few other probs that has been disturbin u i muz sae=) please indicate "we" n not "I" in your notepad or wateva u kol it tey..=) no hiding inside the box..it will juz "suffocate" u..=)
last but not least.. please remember that....He Who Does Not Know How To Live Well,Always Speak Of The Past...=) haa..random..*wink*
pix will be up soon!=)
Labels: euphoria excited hyper :D
very much in love =)}
@12:03 pm
random qoutes =)
Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person, what matters most is your honesty and trust for that relationship to work out.
Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.
Distance, it is a test, many will fail, but for those who can withstand it have the answer:
true love.
***************************************************************************************************************************************lots to update, trip at sungei buloh,trip to the zoo,meet up wit dearest mastura,weekend with family n more. dun really have e tyme to update.basically 2009 has been an awesome year for now i wud sae. =) every step taken is blessed wen im with u.=)well, work has been abit tight up n lots to catch up. hmm..need to slow down on ma speed..at tymes, u tend to do thing too fast n tend to overlook the thing n make mistake. =) haa..dun worry im coping well now n praying hard for success..=)**very much in love=)
Labels: random
very much in love =)}
@5:36 pm
the thots that linger to every path.
that lead to nowhere.
well,it came again.haa.
maybe im born with it.
have to make a fullstop to this.
the thots have to end.
P. android.
it kills.n once its started,it will dwell.
so ya.
nah,at tymes it will haunt e soul.
liar if we are not haunt by it.
its how you take it.
how foolish can i be.
letting those evil wins.
taking a deep breath i am.
walking slowly.
will stop if i have to.
but i will nvr turn back.
at tymes, u will tend do things out of anger.
without even have a thot of the ppl around.
sometimes words were uttered without noein that it may hurt others.
sometimes wen too much of apology will suffocate others.
sometimes you juz feel like keepin silence.
but u cant,coz u juz cant hold to e silence n gap.
sometimes you have to hold back,
but you cant coz you are juz scared that you will be left behind.
sometimes you tried to make them happy,
but u dun even realise that they were hurt.
sometimes you cant stop thinking,
tho you know it will lead to nowhere.
sometimes you wish that u didnt do wat u had,
but u cant coz it has happened.
that is why, think before taking a step ahead.
patience n faith will lead you to the right path.
not emotion n anger.
sometimes this kinda feelings will be for a moment.
it will not dwell.
sometimes you need to trust n not doubt others.
coz by then u will realised having those doubt will not lead you to nowhere.
sometimes you have to believe in whatever situation that you are dealing with.
path of life.it will nvr be smooth.
you may trip n fall again n again.
others will dwell n juz stop e journey n end everything.
some will get up with their head up n move on.
coz they noe,some part of the journey, they gona taste bliss.
they noe wat they have been thru out the journey is juz a test from the Creator.
nothing comes easy.
but dont you ever stop.
sometimes wen you lose, den you will realise how important they are in your life.
treasure,trust n love others with ol your heart.
live by the dae.=)
enjoy every moment spent.
e past may haunt,but dont let it kill your future.
coz you will live miserably.
n nothing will change that except for you.
accept things as wat it is.
nothing n no one is perfect.
why can others read n keep silence? n y muz u dwell n make it as in its their fault?
wake up! =)
sometimes people will take it n swallow.
wen its too much,dont ever let them explode n you will end up regretin.
at the end of the dae,it u who gona deal with it.
you who gona suffer.
so why bother.
stand up , smile , n look forward=)
n for you,
sowie if any part of the moment,the conversation,the action that were given hurt.
i noe its too much.
n i feel it too.
here i am.
hoping that things will be as pure as it is.
i'll stop e doubt.
n start loving u=) ehk! ouh salah ehk?=)
im off from work.
tyme check 6:32pm.
hmph.feeling better.=)
n John.uve been missed a little plus terribly.err...hmm..yaa.. =P
Labels: serene
very much in love =)}
@12:25 pm
im sorie...=(
blog will not be read again.
very much!~ =)
Labels: muddle
very much in love =)}
@12:55 pm

1 month old =)hai!!! =) hee..without knowing it has been a month old dear..so smally!=)
how everything started..hmm..too much to even list it down..
the dae when i was hospitalised..n you appeared.. n i dun even intend to look at you..i was feelin real down..with the pain on ma foot..the needle(i cant even wana move ma hand! it was painful tey! =( only god noes how it was)n nina n nazz were
teasing me n saed"someone came to see you!".. n i covered ma whole body with the blanket..dun feel like meeting anyone on that period of tyme..
but i decided to peep n u saw! grrr.. make me even mad! gendeng~ n so i decided to sleep..=)
appointment at the woodlands poly..
the random mit up at at ma houz..
the food..the drinks..
marina barrage..
e wish..
e gift..
e ring..
e adventure moment..
caring soul..
didnt even thot i gona hook into this..
you have been there every moment i nid sum1 to b with..
you were there wen i was down..
you cheer me up every moment..
you touches not only ma soul, but ma family..=)
apologize if any moment that ive done or saed hurt you..
for e first tyme im not afraid to commit..
for you who show me e meaning of trust..
for e first tyme im not afraid to dream..
im tasting e pureness of it..
very much in love=) N i swear its true...
Labels: 1 month old
very much in love =)}
@12:57 pm

very much~=D
currently havin ma break n im juz worried.
i noe you are in pain now gal.
hmmm..be strong n im prayin hard..hoping that everything will go well.
waitin patiently for e kol..or msg..
sayin "everything is ok..shes fine" =)
take care luv...
im waiting..
nah, everything will be fine..=)
N nurazman..thx for being there..
thx for every moment spent..
im tastin bliss..
very much in love..
nuff saed..
otey!! meetin u later i am!!
i noe you are havin ur rest now..
rest well luv..
missin many2=)
im waitin for e kol...
its not easy, i understand..
Labels: worried
very much in love =)}