@1:04 pm
It's not about who's right or who's wrong
It's not about who's weaker or who's strong
It's not about who's innocent or who's fault
It aint really bout that kinda thing at all
It's not about who does it or done it or did it to who
Don't matter if the both of us lose
It's really not bout nothing excpet for me and you
It's about drama and love and 'lationships
and when the going gets tough you deal with it
and you dont ever you never walk away from it
you hold on you be strong
It's about drama and trust and making it
if your somebody messed up you dig it in
dont let nobody come between you you just stay with it
you hold on and be strong
and hold on, yes you do
It's not about the stupid things that we say
Were always saying stupid things anyway
It's not about the secrecy of the lines
everybodys gots a secret to hide
It's not about who was it who was she who's creeping on who
Won't matter if the both of us lose
It's really not bout nothing, cept for me and you
Aint bout your pride
Aint bout yourself
It's bout the two of you and noone else
Aint bout the her
Aint bout the lies
Aint bout the crazy things thats running through your mind
It's bout the love thats supposed to last and never dies
very much....Labels: endlessly
very much in love =)}
@4:26 pm
no doubt that i will be buzy with work for this few daes. mas will be on leave for 3 daes. so here i am. every single thing that i do, i will have to liase with ma GM. fuh.. hopefully everything go smoothly. insyaallah=). anywae it is a test for me. to test what i have learnt for the past few months. n to know ma strength n weaknesses. n diz is the only wae to upgrade myself. cehh..MP!.. =P
shipment will be this thursdae n fridae. will have to get ready ol the custom permit, n invoices. will have to liase with the freight forwarders,Alfro, for the big shipment. n i have been chasing payment from Keppel Seighers for a total amount of S$479,360. they kinda irritate me somehow. kol them on 3rd march n they confirm that they have received the invoices. n when i kol her yesterdae, they claim that they have not received any invoices from us=_=" tsk! lesson learn: liase everything by email. so at e end of the dae, you dun have to sae anything coz its proven black n white. so ya. but Jennies, e finance department was pretty nice to me. she will help me to expedite e payment by this month. we juz have to send the invoice direct to the site for approval, n pass to her directly. n it will be paid by Giro by March. hopefully i will receive e Bank statement soon tey Jennies.=) oh ya, been having pretty heavy breakfast for e past few daes. n it do goooooddd. brain working much faster n im much awake. thanks to ma lovely mum. she been making me breakfast before i go off to work. as early as 5am=) so sweet of her. loveeeee u much2 mum. i will be a good soul of yours tey. i promise.=)) tapi nanak shout2 lahz tey. atot=P ouh tk ehk..
A new chapter.=)
it was blur.
full of question.
n on this period of tyme, i juz need to make it clear.
to kill those insecurities.
to stand on ma own grounds n stop ppl from making me feel real low.
n now wen i go deep on it..on ma own..yea i did..
for ma own good i must sae..
i went deep down n research it on ma own..
its much more clearer.=)
no more doubts.
one word, alhamdullilah.
ive kill ol those insecurities.
im addicted to faith.
no doubt that i kinda lost ma wae for e past few daes.
those criticism juz upset me.but silence seems to be e best option.
no! its not about cowardness,or being a pushover or watever u kol it.
at tymes, u saed e best wen u saed nothing at all.
at tymes you juz have to sae it bek wen it tend to go over e limit.
but i dont get mad over this issue,at first i was,
but to think back, hey thx to them.
coz they juz make me stronger.
for you im standing here n i still believe.
n for you i truly love.
n for e past i burried it deep down.
n im digging a new hole for us.
baby, ive learnt alot wen im with you.
so much that every tears shed was blessed.
Labels: new chapter of life.
very much in love =)}
@7:35 am
being with you is truly a
ok! i feel like eatin zam zam later!
did i hear something..hmm..
ouh thx u luv!=)
ouh salahz ehk..=P
Labels: till den, we meet again
very much in love =)}
@1:18 pm

Love and Time
There was an island where all the feelings lived:
Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left.
Except for Love.
Love was the only one who stayed.
Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.
Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.
Love said,
"Richness, can you take me with you?"
Richness answered,
"No, I can't. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel.
"Vanity, please help me!"
"I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat," Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked,
"Sadness, let me go with you."
"Oh . . . Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her.
Suddenly, there was a voice,
"Come, Love, I will take you."
It was an elder.
So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going.
When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way.
Realizing how much was owed the elder, Love asked Knowledge, another elder,
"Who Helped me?"
"It was Time," Knowledge answered.
"Time?" asked Love.
"But why did Time help me?"Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered,
"Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is."
Hand in hand, under the moonlight,
The touch of your hand, your presence worthwhile,
The warmth that you give me makes me feel so secure,
I will be with you in pain; I will be with you in cure!
Labels: endlessly
very much in love =)}
@1:02 pm
E Mountain Story
A son and his father were walking on the mountains.
Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams:
"AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:
"AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"Curious, he yells:
"Who are you?"He receives the answer:
"Who are you?"And then he screams to the mountain:
"I admire you!"The voice answers:
"I admire you!"Angered at the response, he screams:
"Coward!"He receives the answer:
"Coward!"He looks to his father and asks:
"What's going on?"The father smiles and says:
"My son, pay attention."Again the man screams:
"You are a champion!"The voice answers:
"You are a champion!"The boy is surprised, but does not understand.
Then the father explains:
"People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE.
It gives you back everything you say or do.
Our life is simply a reflection of our actions.
If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart.
If you want more competence in your team, improve your competence.
This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life;
Life will give you back everything you have given to it."
very much in love =)}
@12:46 pm

random story to share
The Rose Within
A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it.
He saw the bud that would soon blossom, but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought,
"How can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?
Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom... it died.
So it is with many people.
Within every soul there is a rose.
The God-like qualities planted in us at birth, grow amid the thorns of our faults.
Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects.
We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.
Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them.
One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns of another, and find the rose within them.
This is one of the characteristic of love... to look at a person, know their true faults and accepting that person into your life... all the while recognizing the nobility in their soul. Help others to realize they can overcome their faults. If we show them the "rose" within themselves, they will conquer their thorns. Only then will they blossom many times over.
till den, we meet again <3
Labels: e "rose"
very much in love =)}
@8:22 am
reached his station as early as i cud be.
juz misses him lah=P
waited patiently n no kol from him.
too much of awaiting n i juz need to kol.hee =P
make a dump surprise n luv was mad. i deserve it.lol.
"clever me.=_=" he's tired at werk n i make this unnessary prank.
tsk2.. sowie switheart.=)
aniwae, u still see me ryte infront of your station.
hope it make u feel better dear.=)
ouh geram ehk?...ouh ah ah.. ;) very much!=D
decided to eat at KFC coz he has been mentioning bout it for the past few daes.
i ate twister n he ate zinger burger + twister..isk2..hee.. =P
n he send me home..pnat2 pon kener send..pity him..hmm..
juz a short meet up but i feel so home by his side. i really do.=)
seeing him smile juz make ma dae~
will taste this bliss till ma last breath.
im addicted to faith.we sang ol those random song in the car..
as usual he noes ol the lyrics, n im trying ma best to blend in.LOL. shut up.=_="
reached home at 10 plus..
qasha juz miss him so much lahz..=)
he was playing with him..qasha was laughing n having so much fun..
haiz..i love u dear..for whoever you are.. =)
ok..been having this temper for e past few daes..
really bad. its so not me. maybe bcoz of those 'period' moment.hate it=_="
niwae im back to ma normal self. =)
till then we meet again.
Labels: ilysm
very much in love =)}
@10:42 am
very much in love =)}
@1:14 pm
happy 3 month old luv.yea, lots of thing we've been thru out the journey.
up n down. those moment i really treasured. it maybe painful at tymes, but ma love for u deepen as daes goes by. you break those walls that have been a barrier in ma life.
those wall that i was so afraid to even touch it.
coz i was so scared i wud hurt maself.
but you step out n break it! n show me those light ahead. =)
i thx Him for bringing you in ma life. really do.
theres too much to even list it out.
let it juz be in ma thots n soul =)
ive nvr tasted this "journey".. thx u sweetheart..
*ma journey of bliss.*
Labels: journey
very much in love =)}
@7:58 am
I just wanna be alone tonight
I just wanna take a little breather......
at tymes, life is like film, u need NEGATIVES to DEVELOPE.
its how u see it. =))
till then..
Labels: deeper
very much in love =)}
@7:47 am
trust? such a big word to start it with.
yea, letting go n watch them from far.
for wateva reason it is, i will still hold on to those pole.
wat makes u think that those bridge that u r standin on will support u thru out ur journey?
wat makes u think that it wont collapse?
its not about u r not trusting those bridge to support you..
in e very first place, u wudnt be standin on it if i dun trust ryte?
so dun assume. for i noe watever that was saed, theres a reason.
wat if i trip n fall, i still have those pole to support me.
n i wont be fallin, trippin, hurtin maelf.
n at e end of the dae i will lost ma wae home, weeping for help.
n e only company will be ma own shadow.
well, maybe bcoz u used to trip n fall from those bridge.
so this tyme round, its more to precaution.
atleast ur still havin those trust to even stand on those bridge again.
well, it takes time..
n time will decide..
i miss u switheart.
nuff saed.
Labels: "bridge".
very much in love =)}
@2:03 pm
Had an owesome meeting up session with ma squl mate. met aini,meg n sue at yishun n met e rest at plaza singapura. supposed to watch movie but i and aini decided not to. y? because e whole intention of this meet up is to talk n noein how life has been after our ITE life. n if we were to watch movie, i dun think we even have tyme for this. so ya.=) we had our lunch at macdonald. i had capuccino n aini had hot chocolate.n one of this malay soul juz so irritatin.pfft.=S
n rest had their own meal.=) we were being such a kecohrable girl. lol. laughter every minute. nice...it has been a year actually we have yet to meet up. n its good that everyone is still e same. n we still as crazy as before.
sue was met in an accident.. those bruises on ur leg,hand,body n face really freak me out gal..tulahz,nak sgt amek lesen motor kan..=Plol. yea, we shud meet up n chill at yishun often.. =)
Aini was e sweetest n gorgeous soul as ever. =) we really had a deep conversation at TCC.yea, u made e right choice luv, n he who tried to change u n make u feel useless, he shud be
hang to death! if appreciation is not given, den leave. u will get much better soul out dere. =)
will olwaes have e tyme if u feel like letting things out tey. misses!=D
N meg is doing great. still as crazy as ever. n ol those crazy things we have been doin in squl. lol. only god noes.hee.. n i miss those time tho. =)
after we had our lunch, we we went out n chill outside PS coz sue wanted to smoke. took a few pix n we sat at TCC.
time past real fast n we dun even realised that its olmost 5pm.. me, sue n meg have to go off to meet bf. sue was pissed off coz its rainin.lol.i had to go to the loo with aini n bf called. met him outside e ladies n we we went separate waes. hmm..we must chill out again tey gals! misses!
met bf n we ate at LJS.. our "brown" dae..lol..=P bf was upset coz its rainin.lol. n he didnt wear spectacle. he was with contact lenses. it was e first tyme for me.hee. well, hotstuff..nak ckp aper kan..lol.. ouh tk ehk? lol.. we really had fun walking, running from one places to another due to the heavy rain. we decided to buy an umbrella. we need to actually.=)) really had a great tyme with him by my side. we bump into nani n nazz n her colleague at lucky plaza. too bad qasha was asleep..=(( was missing him badly.. went to borders n those horoscope was givin me a tight slap. lol. so i decided to close those magazine n walk off. hee..=P at e end of e dae, bf was mad over a few issue.=(( so sad.. but i tried to calm him down but at e end of e dae, i was e one getting scolded. bagus ziela. lol. so i decided to keep quiet n listen to his nagging. =) met mimi at cwp singtel. n mimi was waiting for us at e wrong shop. LOL. salah timing lahz mimi niek. n make bf more fuming in anger. niwae mimi is not used to upgrading this line thingi..takleh salahkan dier kan.. dear was really angry at that period of tyme. tatott~=( after awhile things were back as ever. love him too much lahz.=) wont be meeting him todae coz hes working at 7pm. hope to see u tomolo luv. till den we meet again.
tasting bliss<3
sunny dae!
we r too tired.lol.
aini, me , meg n sue
ma gorgeous pal.
aini n fiona 
aini n meg
while waitin for them=P
meg n aini
meg n sueLabels: =)
very much in love =)}