@5:07 pm
sometimes, theres more to it...
n not just dollars n cents.
people are juz blinded by it..
p.s : Cant wait for August. hopefully everything goes well. prayin hard.=)
very much in love =)}
@10:13 am
having an irritatin sore throat.=(
very dry.
warm water has been ma accompany every sec.
n nature call every min.
awesomeness =S
but is managing well oso lahz. =P
n Dearest, i noe you tired with both job of yours now. cud juz see from your eyes yesterdae.=(
take good care of urself syg.. n dun forget to have ur IMU6.."4 times better than anlene!"
hee..not necessary ehk..=P
will olwaes be by u dear..
till then we meet again..
tastin bliss tremendously much..!
Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you BELIEVE.
hapie working ppl!
Labels: sick
very much in love =)}
@9:45 am
Just Because Everything Is Different,
Doesnt Mean Anything Has Change.=)
Labels: =)
very much in love =)}
@11:17 am
"The way to develop self-confidence is to do the thing you fear."it will just kill a person soul if they have e mindset that they are not worth for that particular person life. and having the mindset that e other soul deserve someone better. n if that were occur on each individual mind, they will not move.life will be a total stagnant mode.=)coz of this, argument will involve and irritation of emotion will occur. and this will lead to tiredness n boredom. and it will juz make things further apart.So where do they go wrong?n how to even overcome this...***
Get your priority in life Right.
Simplify your flow of life.
assumption can never be fact. so stop.sometimes, people tend to assume n believe that all the assumption that they havethru their mind is right. at e end of the dae, they are just suffering their own self.getting awae from insecurities is to go beyond your control. to do something that you fear n knowing at e end of the dae, it makes you stronger.having to build this "bridge" of yours, it will take times. someone may get tired n walk off from your insecurities one particular dae.. for that, nvr weep=) coz they make u learnt.And a few will be right beside you, managing your fear and guiding you thru the light. thanks to thier believe n love. =) n this kind of people, will be right wit u for a lifetime..***
at e end of the dae, it is how u see it.whether e cup is half fulled with water?or is it half empty?u decide. =)
"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light,
and what is elusive
and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness."
sometimes, silense doesnt mean you juz dont care or love e one beside you. sometimes, being by him, n not saying anything, u just feel complete. n not far apart.u just feel e warmth. n not cold n u juz feel love.n not hatred. =) n u juz feel serene...=)
There are times when silence has the loudest voice.
that wat i felt on that period of tyme.=)
nothing changed.
this is a story of life.
ma sae.
Labels: self
very much in love =)}
@9:20 am
when i first received e msg, i truly understand there will be alot of commitment going on ur side.. n e next thing that came into ma mind, i juz told maself..this is a Test from Him. He never failed to Test his servants n i except it with an open hand.=) To test our patience, trust,filial n honesty. i never regret what was given or taken from me. Coz deep down i noe, what happen now, will benefit us in e future. =) but besides ol this, im still human. another weak n soft soul from e creator. nvr failed to make mistake. whenever things go wrong, i'll juz suplicate. for a smooth n safer road ahead. n of course for his success n doing the things that he has been yearning for ol this while. =) n i truly hv faith in him. =) n will alwaes do...=)
i went to Kota Tinggi last saturdae. it was splendid! n i really love it..it took only half an hour to reached there... such a serene place to have fun with for family members n to have a peace of mind..looking forward for e next tyme...=)) n having aqasha in our family, it juz make things much happier..=) nuff saed.
missing u tremendously much.Labels: Faith
very much in love =)}
@12:10 pm
i hope whatever that you plan and hope for in your future n life really goes well dear. i noe you are working real hard and i juz cud see in those eyes. you will make it sayang..insyaallah.. kalau niat baik, everything will go to the right path. n hold on to those Will that u want. hold your parents hand n bring them to the place that they have alwaes wanted dear =) n having that in mind, u will succeed and everything will go smoothly. i almost weep of joy to hear it from u. n im so lucky to have such a soul in ma life.=) i believe ol this that happen, ader hikmah.. He is showing you the wae.. have faith. we work hard now, n we'll benefit it in e future. And i will alwaes be by you, for good n bad. =) i will pray for your success dear...
And dont you worry bout your erutz tey! shes an independant soul.haa.. nah.. i understand if we cant meet up or talk like we used to. i truly understand your position sayang.. this working life of yours will take most of your tyme..but not your love ones.=)) juz update me on your whereabout n im happy enough.. i love u tremendously. n nothing will change that, infact, i it goes stronger upon hearing it =))
syng, seeing you yesterdae really make me go real strong on us. i dunnoe dear, can see you are really serious on this n u really wana make a different.. we will go thru this together tey..you are not alone sweetheart.=)) God will hear ol our prayers if we are sincere in wat we are doing..
n i believe in u. your determination in this. you will make it thru....=))
n seeing you, u make me wana work real hard...i will olwaes hold your hand n will never let you fall.=))
i believe in Him for watever that happen now. n i nvr doubt on your decision.
coz i noe, deep down u noe what you are doing.
Labels: e light=)
very much in love =)}
@7:56 am
good morning! =))
met up wit dearest NURANUARA BINTE ANUAR..lol.. wen was e last tyme we get to mit up n chill together u tell me darls? lol. got a msg from her first thing in e morning. hopingthat she get to mit up n tell me something that she have yet to tell e others! hee.. that was so random.. haa..i was surprised wen i get to know bout it gal. haha..fated lahz gal..=P trust me, its worth e ride.=D thot of bringing love along, but wen i msg him at 3pm..he's already at Kallang..wit his secondary school friend. boys dae out as per mention.hehe.so nanak disturb, i confirm with noyah that i will be meeting her later. so ya. met her at borders. ended her work at 830pm. was waiting for her at borders while reading some poetry books(as usual). lol. has been awhile=)) used to drop by borders n spend few hours reading those books. serene=) noyah bout this VCD teilight. aiyoh. she have ol e collection for this twilight thingi. haha. name it n she has it ol. crazziness. but ive yet to watch e movie yet. mcm kekecohan gtu,later lahz.haha.=P so ya..went to far east to have our dinner at cahaya. confident jer. but it was closed. we end up having our dinner at Sakura. sorry darls, not that i dunwan u to treat me, next tyme tey.hehe. =P den we headed to Tower B. talk bout ol e things that has been happening in our life n ppl around. hehe.. it was nice lahz dear.. i miss u too.. =(( how i wish i cud juz overnight at your houz ryte? haha. u noe i cant. so yaa. noyah has a private instructor that charge her only 26 dollars per hour. isnt it awesome? but of course, his no. has already been save in ma fone. for reference=P love wanted to send me home. i feel kinda bad actually. its not that dunwan him to send me home, but it was kinda late. i will be perfectly fine going back home by maself. n i thot i am going back on ma own yesterdae.n im so fine wit it.=)) aniwae,dulu pon i used to go home late at this hour. but dunwana make a big fuss out of it n juz agree.=) wateva it is, thanks love, so much2.. i love you too.. i noe u r tired dear..n im not mad that u didnt msg me wen u reached home...sleepy is u i understand..sowie for ol e trouble switheart~=( btw,haircut..is hottin2..=) rest well tey... take carez...n be good~=)) very much!=))
p.s : took a few pic wit dearest noyah, but too lazy to upload. maybe later.hee..=)
Labels: bliss
very much in love =)}
@8:50 am

apologize for e delay entry..
was kinda buzy with work n reachin home pretty late at night.
k ill just make a fast update on ma side.=))
workload is fine. but i juz hate mondae~lol=)) n i love fridaez!=P
n dearest bought me a present that i nvr had from anione before.
F480. thanks dear. sampai fening i am..lol. i gona take real care of it.
i really have no idea how u noe i love e fone. if im not wrong, nothing was saed.hmm..
luv u too la! =P
went to accompany his father to ubi to look out for a few car n went off towatched 21 rounds at marina. super packed. but its not wasted tho.=)
n ive learnt to do some simple dishes. not that hard tho n i love it=)
n every weekend i will be one makcik2..wake up,clean houz, go market n Cook.=))
n having filled your love ones stomach juz make u feel full n complete.nuff saed.
one of e daes, dearest decided to follow us to jusco. n we played arcade. crazziness.
but i really had fun.tears of joy.=))
havin ma test on 16th of may. hopefully i gona go thru this n end everything by this year.
learn to listen.
silence n analysis wat was saed.
if its good.smile n repent.
it its bad. apologize. n make sure u are sincere on it n u r really sorry. coz no point of apologizing but u end doing e same mistake over again. n at e end of e dae, your apology means nothing to them. ive learnt.=)
voice out for your own rights.but at tymes, ignorance is bliss.=)
never expect anything in return.
give more expect less.
you cant please everyone around.
too much of pleasing others, u will end up losing your own pathway.
so do wat u want n wat u can.
change for good n for yourself n not for others.
appreciate what was given.
love someone with ol ur <3
believe in karma.
god has given u something better in return,
treasure it.
n wen u lose it, no point crawling back for e loss.
any point of time u feel at loss,
go back to Him.
n u will find strength.
very much in love =)}